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     During the Omnic Crisis the world was in 'flames'. People constantly in fear for their lives, and the humans were pretty much losing the war. That's when it happened, that's when Overwatch was created. An elite group of individuals to help the humans, a group that would restore world peace and end this one and for all. But forming Overwatch brought the usual 'consequences, many terrorist organisations rose, the most feared among the world was TALON. A former Overwatch agent, Gabriel Reyes. And what that meant was that Overwatch would have to follow them around, prevent attacks or ressuplies. Pretty much what 'heroes' would do. That's how it all came down to this one night that two paths would cross for the first time. 

-Gibraltar, 2072

Tracer blinked around the lab while the ape know as Winston was working on his computer with the assistance of Athena. The A.I that supported all of Overwatches systems in their base. "You sure about this love?" She asked as she blinked and sat next to him. "Sure? Yeah, we do have to keep following Talon in their little tours. We need to figure out why are they doing that as well." Winston exlpained and gave the Brit a smile and she returned it. 

"I mean, i always wanted to visit japan y'know?" she said as she blinked away and looked at the big screen of the computer. "Got someone to see there Lena?" The scientist asked with a smirk knowing very well that she didn't. "Ye know me luv, the only people i see are all of ye. Just wanna go there for the food and the sights to be honest with ya." She explained being her usual excited self. "Well then you will be glad to know that we are ready to set course to Japan." Winston said as Athena took over the computer "Athena, get Angela and Genji to join me and Lena at the dropship. Inform the rest to stay here and be on high alert while we are gone." Winston told the robot "Right away sir!" the A.I replied and they both walked out of the room.

-Japan, same day hours after midnight

The graceful and well known widowmaker was running on the rooftops of  this beautiful city running away from the previous mentioned Overwatch agents. The weather was cold, rainy, foggy. It was like the atmosphere was made out of a movie. Watching their little game from another rooftop was another mysterious figure waiting for his moment. He knew she'd find him, he was counting on it. 

"Bien Bien..." The French assassin said as she stood behind the figure holding him at gun point. Inspecting him she could she a medium sized hat, one of those cone-like hats that were made out of bamboo, then most of his body was covered by a black cloak with bright blue details, like Tracer's guns or her chronal accelerator. Probably it was something to do with tech. Under that cloak hid a tactical jacket and around his waste was a belt (like the cover of the story). Then at the side of his waste was a sword, long and it had the same bright blue details as his cloak and his mask, above it rested in its case a smaller sword. Under that was pretty much a some tactical pants and boots. The Overwatch agents did spot them and as Tracer was about to move out and try to catch Widowmaker Winston stopped her "Let's hear em first" he told her and she replied with a nod.

"Took you long enough." The man said, his voice didnt sound too deep, probably around his mid-twenties. He turned and looked at her while raising his hands in the air. That act brought a smile to the sniper's face. She was soaked wet from the light rain that was coming down for the past hours, in his case the hat was blocking all the water from getting into his face and eyes.

The assassin motioned with her gun for him to talk, he remained stoic and silent. Widowmaker's smile was now turned into a smirk "What's the matter? Scared of spiders?" She said in her thick French accent. Finally he broke and a laugh escaped his lips and came out of his mask. His hands where now one resting on the case of his large sword and the other on the belt. She raised the gun at him a little higher and for the first time he raised his head and made eye contact. "You know that's funny. You want to start a conversation like that, alright then you wanna talk about fear. Let's talk about fear. What are you afraid of?" The man said as he stared right into her eyes, she was confused and sceptical about the answer. Not many dared to look the Widowmaker in the eye and get away with it. "What do you want..?" the woman replied with a question never dropping her weapon, she also frowned as to give out a menacing aura to the man. 

When the Tracer leaves a mark.Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz