The Strike Commander.

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That night had to be the best night they both had in their lives. For the first time ever both sides of the bed were warm and oh how much they enjoyed it and deep inside them they didn't want this to stop, ever. No dreams, no thoughts just pure skin to skin contact. The smell of alcohol was strong inside the room but the alcohol just made them show their desires easier than they would normally do. 

The morning sun thankfully wasn't that strong, a few clouds were on the sky and the wind was low. His mind was dizzy and his throat was kinda sore, Fujin blinked quite a few times before his vision was clear and as it did he looked around the room. It was a total mess his clothes were on the ground next to the side, there was a blanket and other stuff on the couch that belonged to Lena.  He gritted his teeth as his whole mouth was sore at this point. His whole body was warm but there was one area where it was even warmer than the rest, the crook of his neck. He looked down there with the edge of his eyes and saw that that was where Lena had her head resting. Her head going up and down as he breathed, it was a nice feeling. Now wouldn't Fujin normally be not okay with something like this? He probably wouldn't but, his brain wasn't fully working. Alcohol did some work on him, mostly because it had been a while since he last drank and when he did, it wasn't as much. Fujin heard a growl from the woman next to him "W-wot?" God that accent never leaving her. "What do you mean wot?" Fujin asked her mocking the accent as much as he could. If she was looking at him in the eye she would glare but she was too comfortable to do that now. "I meant- nevermind." She snuggled up to him more and he loved every second of it. "Tracer, THE Lena Oxton is speechless." The man chuckled to himself as she hit him slightly on his ribcage but with little to no effect. "Come on say it." She whispered "Say what Lena?" Fujin raised an eye brow at what she said "The 'This is wrong and we shouldn't have done it in the first place' talk." Lena let out a big sigh that she was holding, she knew it was kind of wrong to do this, at least this fast but she wanted it. And part of Lena backstory taught her to not deny what she wants and embrace it, which is more than Fujin could say about himself. Should he do the same, yeah, did he do it tho? No. As a kid he never had that much help from anyone. His dad was never with them and his mother had to raise two kids practically alone so he didn't even blame her nor Akane, she was not a mother and she didn't even have to stay after the raid. But she did. So there are things that Fujin never really got over, or doesn't know how to face cirtain things. Being affectioned towards someone else was one of them. He could have had dozens of women if he wanted to, but not a single woman was special to him. Except one. The one next to him.  And he didn't want to accept that. "It's not right but it feels good okay? That what you wanted to hear?" Fujin asked the brunette who was smilling widely becasue yes, that was exactly what she wanted to hear. Lena wanted to help Fujin cause he was helping her without knowing it. It wasn't something special he was doing and they aren't long friends. But when there's a special bond you can feel it no matter what. "Well... i'd say i want to do this more often but..." she stopped when she felt his breathing change "Look... let's get through today and we will see about the future okay?" she nodded and he smiled at her still snuggled up against the crook of his neck and tucked under the covers. "What time is it?" she asked as she moved her legs against his. "Nine." he said, normally he would say it all but now his brain was not working properly.  "Ready to get up?" she whispered and before he could answer she added "Honest." Fujin sighed, she definetely had her ways with him. "No..." Lena was so happy with the progress she had been making with Fujin. 

"That's better, now cuddle me luv." Lena smiled and he wrapped his arms around her and she did the same around his massive torso. "You're shredded for a Samurai.." Lena said feeling his abs "That depends, ever seen a real Samurai or the ones on the internet?" he asked as her hair got in his face and it smelled so amazing. "On the internet.." she admited "Hm, well Samurai always had good bodies. I'm considered medium to shredded." Lena took the information in and nodded. "Fujin... how does it feel to be the last one..?" she asked stuttering mid-sentence "The Samurai noticed that "What do you mean?" he asked to get a clearer question "How does it feel being the last of something so big as the Samurai..?" Fujin took a deep breath. That's something that weighed a lot on him. He doesn't talk about it much but Fujin doesn't talk to anyone about anything too personal. "Well... it is a bit much when i think about it. Mostly cause i know what the Samurai once was. I've studied them, their history and their ways. So i try to not think about that too much..." Lena nodded her eyes now open as they wondered into the nothigness of her thoughts. "And what about your kids..?" she asked and Fujin chuckled "Kids... i don't know about that..  what we do makes it hard you know? I don't even know if there will be someone that's gonna settle down with me.." he stopped to take a breath "I'm sure there will be a woman..." she said bitting her bottom lip. "And well, i don't know if i want my kids to have to go through half the shit i've gone through... if i'm to have kids i  think i'll have them in this as little as possible. I want them to have a normal childhood you know." He was rubbing her back at this point and she had given into the sensetion "What about you, Lena?" He asked "Me? Well... i'm not even sure if i can have kids cause of the accident i had..." Touchy subject as expected from Fujin, "i'm sorry to hear that, but for what it's worth i'm sure you will find someone who will love you and give you everything you desire." He stopped and since she didn't answer he added "And i'm sure you will make an amazing Mother." Lena felt a tear run down her cheek, no one has ever said that to her, not even Angela in the few small talks they've had about that subject. And deeply she needed to hear those words cause parenthood is something every adult struggles with and especially Lena cause she was told that Winston was uncairten about if she could have kids due to her past accident. And above all she was 26 years old, she had thought about it quite a lot. "Hey, no crying." he said and she just shrugged her shoulders "That's impossible.." she said smilling with the tears still on her cheeks "Tell you what, you can only cry when i'm around alright?" she smiled and nodded "Now that's better."

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