Our lowest point, the greatest change.

40 4 0

The way back was silent, some people were whispering stuff to each other but the atmosphere wasn't one for celebrations even though the mission was a huge success with little to no casualties. Fujin had his hat leaning down more than usual, hidding almost his whole face, the only visible thing was his mouth since he had his head leaning down as well. Lena's mind on the other hand was spinning she wanted so much to just sit on his lap and hold him tight, but she couldn't. She just needed to wait a few minutes for touchdown in base and then she could do that in private. 

As the dropship touched the ground the team got up from their seats and walked out, Fujin was the one who walked out and left immidiately without saying a single word. Lena looked at Morrison who motioned to her with his eyes to go with the samurai and she did. 

The door to his room was open, it was like the man was expecting her, after all he knew her. Before entering she peeked her head from the edge of it and saw Fujin sitting on the edge of the bed, his whole gear on him, the hat resting on the floor tho probably from being thrown away. "Fujin.." she whispered as she entered "Sorry." he blurted out without thinking, slowly she climbed on his lap and wrapped her arms around his neck pulling herself into a tight embrace which he barely returned. "You can talk to me..." she whispered, Angela also was about to enter the room when she noticed the scene and decided it would be better to just leave it for later. The samurai didn't answer "I can help you... i can try. But you have to let me in.." she practically begged but got no answer in return. She sighed before burrying her head into the crook of his neck. "There are things you don't know.." and just like that, he slowly started breaking down. "Hm?" he made a noise and looked into his eyes. "The day it happened, i was captured and my brother had to let his guard down to save me taking on of the fatal injuries and moments later my mom was cut down because she pushed me out of the way of a blade..." his voice slowly faded away into the silence of the room. But the woman knew better "Go on.." and i've been having troubles since that day. I don't know if its some kind of PTSD or panic attacks but the way i was held today... it brought back memories, that's why i lost it... i think..." Needless to say that he looked away to hide the embarassment on his face. Lena then took a deep breath and decided to make a huge step and that started by cupping his chin and gently making his eyes meet hers and she leaned forward pressing her lips against his, before she knew it he was returning the kiss holding her close. Lena had always been one to make him forget and relax but this once she made him forget. For those seconds Fujin was worlds away from everything. Right now it was him and her, her and him and non of them would want it any other way. If it wasn't for the need of breath they wouldn't have broken the kiss but unfortunately for them they had to. She slightly pulled away and looked a little lower from his eyes to hide her embarrasment and inside her Lena didn't know if he approved of what she did. But that worry went away when he pulled her in for another kiss and this time it was more passionate, more rough one could say but she more than returned. 

When they broke the kiss again their foreheads were resting against each others and they had locked their eyes. "Fuji..." she started incase he had something to say but he gave her space to go on and she did exactly that. "I... in 26 years of my life i've never felt so at 'home' with anyone else.." she stuttered "Me neither Lena.." he gave her a weak smile "I- i love you.." it was hard to keep eye contact but it all became easier when he said four words.

"I. Love. You. Too." 

Under different circumstances he would call himself foolish for doing such a thing but now, after everything he was cirtain he was attracted to her. More than just a friend. And he loved it, she was the only one who saw his scarred soul and still stood next to him, a hope to hold onto. She was the one for him and he was the one for her.

After making out for what felt like days she looked into his eyes still having her arms wrapped around his neck "So from now on i guess we will sleep together as a couple.." her cheeks were burning hot "yeah..." he smiled at the idea. "Your clothes are in my room so..." she smirked and he got up with her still in his arms. They both walked in her room and she closed the door with her leg.

Fujin had forgot about what happened, for that night at least. He soon would have to face what happened but that could wait cause today, was probably the best night of his life and a future started, a different future with Lena.


Short one yes. But this scene had to have a chapter on its own.

When the Tracer leaves a mark.Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang