"Youre saying someone framed him to find him?" Sharron asked.

"We looked for the guy for two years and found nothing." Sam added.

I shook my head. "But I did. I found him twice. Each time something got in the way."

Steve nodded, "However, we didn't bomb the UN. That turns a lot of heads."

Sharon looked over sounding annoyed, "Yeah, but that doesn't guarantee that whoever found him would get him. That guarantees we would." Sharron paused as we all looked around.

"They kept me from getting him so you would." I said the realization setting in. Before any one of us could think more the lights around us shut off. The only light on was the red flashing ones for the emergency exits. We all looked around at each other before turning to Sharon.

"Sub level 5, east wing." She said quickly.

Steve, Sam and I quickly moved out of the room. We all ran towards staircase, making our way up to the fifth floor. We ran through the hall, multiple bodys passed out on the floor. All the guards for the rooms were out. We walked slowly, the only light given was from the flashing red light above us.

"Help me." I heard a voice yell out ahead of us. I looked over as Steve quickly moved into the room Bucky was in. His container had been broken open. I walked in behind him as Steve forced the man up. I looked around, and noticed the psychiatrist bag. A red book poked out of it.

"Who are you? What do you want?" Steve asked as he slammed the man against the wall. I pulled the book out of the bag. Noticing the black star sitting in the middle of the cover. I took in a sharp breath. I recognized the book. It was used whenever they would read Bucky's code words to him.

"To watch and empire fall." I heard the man say. Before I could react I heard bang behind us. I turned quickly as I dropped the book on the floor. Bucky was attacking Sam. I quickly ran over as Bucky threw Sam across the room.

I brought my fists up to my face as Bucky threw his at me. I blocked as best I could against him. He was in full force right now. He wasn't going to hold back. I lifted my leg to his chest, before it could hit him he caught it in his hands. His grip tightened around my ankle. I felt him lift me up and throw me against the wall.

I gasped in pain as he looked around the room. A piece of hard glass from his container sat on the floor. I stood up, the pain in my back shooting through my body. He grabbed the piece of glass and began to run towards me. I pulled my hands out and grabbed his hand. I struggled against him as the glass inched closer to me.

He managed to break out of my grasp. I moved to the side as the glass missed my chest and scrapped against my side. I let out a loud groan as Steve moved towards us. He was the next to fight. I gripped my side as Steve fought Bucky out of the room. I looked down at my hands, a large amount of blood spread around my hand.

My legs collapsed under me, and I fell to the floor. I could feel my head ringing. Sam began to shift on the floor. I looked over to him as the man from before began to slowly stand up. He looked over at me as a smirk landed on his face. He quickly ran out of the room.

"Stop." I called out to him. Sam gained his conscious back and stood up. He looked at the man running out of the room, and then back at me. I groaned as Sam ran to me. He quickly knelt down looking at me.

"I'm fine." I said quietly. Sam quickly wrapped his arm around me and helped me up. I took a deep breath trying to regain my stance. I felt my eyes begin to refocus. I looked at Sam and nodded as we both began to run. I could just barely see the man through all the crowds. People we're running out of the building, evacuating the area.

Sam and I made our way outside. I scanned around the crowd of people. I had lost sight of the man. I caught my breath as Sam bent down and picked up a jacket on the floor. It was the one the man was wearing. He managed to escape in the chaos.

"Shit." I said quietly. Sam looked at me as the concern on my face showed fully. Who the hell was he? And why was he activating the Winter Soldier. I broke out of my thoughts as a loud crash could be heard above us. I looked up as a helicopter fell from the roof of the building. I knew for a fact it had to be Steve.

Sam and I quickly ran out through the crowds, and towards the crash. The helicopter managed to fall into the water beside the building. We both stopped at the edge as Steve poked out of the water. He gasped for a breath as he pulled his arm up. In his arm he held tightly to a passed out Bucky. He looked over to me and sawm to us.

Sam and I helped him out of the water. They both laid there as Steve tried to catch his breath. I heard yelling behind us as a couple of agents began to run over here. I looked at Sam as he grabbed Steve, and I grabbed onto Bucky.

"We have to go, now." I said. Sam nodded as Steve regained his stance. He grabbed Bucky from me and we all began to run out of the situation.

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