Eye on him

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Adrian can feel many curious eyes on him, watching his every move but something tells him that he is not new to attention.

Blasie is dancing with a girl, well it's more like flirting, Theo is surrounded by few girls, he too is having a great time. Jaspen and Edward is having conversations with their friends.

Adrian is speaking with someone Amber introduced, he's a nice guy, not the pestering type, who wants to know all about his life which he himself don't know. Amber is beside him, having drinks with a group of girls. That's when a girl approached them, she was looking at Adrian with a shy smile.

"Um, do you have any girlfriend" she asked Adrian, making him surprised, Amber was looking ready to burst into laughter.

This isn't the first one, many girls approached him for dance, asking his number, asking him to join them for a drinks, but he politely refused all of them.

"I don't think so" Adrian replied unsure.

"My name is Kate Fires, This is my number, may be we can get to know eachother, I would love to meet you again" she spoke sweetly before handing him a small note, she then went back to her friends.

Adrain opened the note to find her name and number neatly written, along small heart.

"Really, you need to work on how to talk with girls, 'I don't think so' what a dumb response" Amber playfully mocked him.

"Well, I didn't think she will straight up ask something like this" Adrian tried to defend him.

"Adrian baby, you have to be prepared for these type of situations, with this face of yours, you will be having a hard time dodging all these advances towards you, if you can't give a sensible reply" Amber spoke making him pout.

"Well she was cute" the person he was talking to spoke

"Sorry, not interested" Adrian replied immediately.

"Interested or do you have anyone" the person asked with a teasing smile making Adian frown.


Well he don't remember a shit.

Sensing his discomfort, Amber immediately changed the topic.

After telling Amber that he will be nearby, Adrian walked outside, he wanted to have some fresh air. Amber was reluctant to leave him alone, but hesitantly agreed after sensing his discomfort.

 Amber was reluctant to leave him alone, but hesitantly agreed after sensing his discomfort

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

It dark outside, there's no one here, most of them are inside enjoying the party. Adrian don't know why he is feeling so restless, it's like someone is warning him. He don't know what to do, Who to ask.

Harper, may be he could help him, but where to find him.

Did something happened to him?

Adrian know that those Blackstone mens are behind him, he know that it's was them who attacked him in church. He isn't sure wheather he should tell this to Edward.

Chasing, shooting, guns, nothing makes sense.

Edward already took a lot of risk by taking him in, he can't put their life's in danger.

Those Blackstone mens are behind him, from what he can remember, they don't hesitate to kill anyone.

Adrian only told Edward few details like, Harper being the one present with him during accident, and most probably he is the one who admitted him in hospital and gave information about Edward related to him. Then Sirus and Alex, the names which came out of Harper's mouth, Harper called him as his uncle, right?

He is trying hard to remember, but it's only giving him headache.

Adrian decided to go inside, before others come looking for him.

If his mind wasn't that occupied, he would have sensed two eyes watching him and taking photos of him from behind the bushes.

"Where are you going?" The boy asked

"New York"

"What are you going to do? Please don't tell me- " The boy whisper yelled with a done look on his face, as he watches the person fishing out the passport

"I am leaving today itself, and I want you manage them" the person interrupted him, busy packing few clothes in the bag.

"I don't think it's a great idea, it's not safe" the boy tried hard to explain his point

"And, I don't care, If something urgent happens then inform me, I got go before they catch me"

"Don't tell me you are leaving me to handle them" he asked shocked,

"My parents are Annoying, but nothing you can't handle"

"Oh please they are more than annoying, no wonder you turn out like this" he replied back, wondering how he is going to keep his sanity alive, handling those two crazy people is like asking for death sentence.

"Wait, I am coming with you" the boy spoke suddenly, he can't let his bestfriend go rougue.

"No, you will stay here, I have some job for you here, be careful and please don't mess up"

"Oh please I never mess up, atleast I plan before doing something unlike you who do something stupid recklessly and then think about your actions" he shot back

"Whatever floats in your boat bro, take care bye" The person waved him bye, before entering into the car and driving away.

"You better be safe" He mumbled, he got a one hell of a bestfriend.

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