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I know I am late in updating, actually the draft got deleted and I had to write everything again😭


Edward, Adrian and Grace was riding on one car, followed by Blasie, Theo and Jaspen on another car. The whole car ride was silent with Adrian staring out of the window, he didn't even spoke a word.

Finally they reached the place, Adrian was confused, they are now standing on a meadow filled with flowers.

Finally they reached the place, Adrian was confused, they are now standing on a meadow filled with flowers

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"Why are we here" Adrian asked confused

"This is the place I met your mother for the first time" Grace spoke as she watched the beautiful medow infront of her.

Grace brought Adrian here because she knows that a lot of things are going through his mind right now and he need to calm down. This place always manage to calm her down, she come here whenever she feel stressed or down.

They watched Adrian walking away without a word, jaspen was about to call him but Grace stopped him

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They watched Adrian walking away without a word, jaspen was about to call him but Grace stopped him.

"Give him some time alone" she whispered

Grace then explained to them the truth, the truth that was hidden from them.

She didn't want her son's to know this truth about their dad, but she know that they are grown up and trust them take wise decisions.

She explained how she and David started to grow apart and cracks appeared in their relationship due to his busy business life and tours. How she promised to herself later that she will mend everything for their children, but the news of David's affairs with some unknown girl came as a big blow to their marriage life.

She was broken, she never expected David to cheat on her. But she comforted herself that David loves her and their children. David apologized to her, and begged her to give him a chance, She know David cheated on her but sadly she still loved him and gave him another chance to prove himself.

David tried everything to make her happy, to prove his love for her and their children, how hard she tried to forget it and move on but she couldn't.

Like a final blow, she came to know that Victoria, her husband's ex- lover is pregnant.

She tried her best to hold herself up, pretended like everything is going to be fine, but inside she was having a breakdown. Her own family wanted her to act like her husband didn't cheated on her with another girl and got her pregnant.

Her own mother told her, it's usual for men to have affair considering how her own Father had few affairs and her mother acted okay with it.

Finally, she get to meet Victoria, Victoria was not what she expected, she was the most sweet, beautiful and polite person Grace met in her life. Victoria promised her that she nor her baby will never come into their life and Grace can have a happy life with her family.

Grace didn't want to take her children away from their father, she wanted them to grow up with love of both their parents.

As promised, Victoria left their lives forever, they just got a letter from her announcing the birth of baby, that's it, no other information or clue about them.

She should be happy right, her children have their dad, she have her husband back with her But she wasn't. Pain and guilt enveloped her, she slowly realized that she can never be happy with David or she could ever love him like before.

She know how important family prestige is for her husband and he will do whatever it takes to maintain the good image infront of society. Even her own family don't want her to divorce David as it will ruin their status in society.

She couldn't take it anymore and finally decided to leave David for good, she moved to their cottage with her kids. She didn't get divorced, and decided to stay as friends with David for their children's sake.

But her father in law, David's dad had another point of view, he distanced himself from his son, and even put Adrian's name in his will as a proof that he consider the boy as his grandson.

Grace always feel like, she have a debt with Victoria, when she got to know that Adrian is staying with her sons and about his accident, she felt the need to meet him, tell him the truth, to protect him from David.

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