Story game

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"Amber, why are you laughing?" Jaspen asked as he saw his girlfriend laughing like crazy.

"It's Theo and Adriel" she spoke in between laugh

"What about them?" He asked confused, he just hope they didn't get into any fights.

"I made them make a bet with me and they lost it" she replied

"Of course you cheated" jaspen immediately concluded.

"Heyyyyy, you are so bad" she pouted as she sat in his lap.

" What did you do this time?" He asked

" I didn't even tried, They are too dumb to not realise that I was cheating. Even a brainless like you understood it, but they had no idea"

"Experience baby, experience" jaspen spoke smugly earning a smack in head.

"What did you make them do?" He asked, realising the crazy ideas his girlfriend can come up with.

"Very simple, you know my Uncle Charles Right" she asked

"The one who only speak bullshit"

"Yeah, the same one, the punishment is They have to talk with him for one whole hour"

"Ohhh God!!! They will turn crazy listening to his senseless jokes, you made me talk with him for few minutes and i think I lost my few braincell talking with him " Jaspen spoke, as he remember the incident with a shudder.

Uncle Charles is a man who can make you go crazy just by opening his mouth.


Everyone gathered in the hall drinking tea, expect Theo and Adriel.

"Where's Theo?" Blasie asked

"It's almost a hour now, aren't they done yet" Amber spoke to herself.

Jaspen was explaining their lost bet to Blasie, when the said boys arrived still talking in phone.

Phone was on speaker mode, so they can hear the person on other side.

"Do you know why women can't play football?" Uncle Charles asked

"No why?" Theo asked uninterested, he looked so done with this bet.

"Cause 11 women cannot wear the same clothes for 11 minutes, Hahahahaha hahaha,!!!!! I am so funny right"

Theo and Adriel glanced at each other probably thinking how hopeless this man is.

"What do you think about me Adriel?" Uncle Charles asked suddenly.

"I think you are now like a Sun in my life" Adriel spoke with a straight face.

Theo was looking at him as if he had grown an extra head.

"You mean, the sun, the centre of our solar system, the bright burning star"


"Why is that?" Uncle Charles asked excitedly.

"Because, you should stay 92,935,700 miles away from me" Adriel spoke making everyone burst into laughter, before signalling Amber that one hour is over and walking to sit on the chair.

"He killed whatever remaining braincell I had with his bullshit" Theo muttered before handing Amber the phone and he too sat in the chair exhausted.

"Hello Uncle, hope you had a great time, I will call you later" Amber spoke switching off the speaker mode, but before she could cut the call, uncle Charles told her something making her surprise.

"Adriel, I think uncle Charles took a liking towards you, He was saying that, he hopes to meet you sometime" Amber spoke impressed because Adriel might had surely caught Uncle Charles interest which was very rare because that man take special interest in avoiding people outside his social bubble.

"Tell him to stop studying me, he won't graduate" Adriel replied with a eye roll.

Something seemed to be strange with Adriel, he was silent during rest of the conversation.

Which didn't went unnoticed by Jaspen


I know this chapter is short, hope you are enjoying reading this.

If you have any suggestions or ideas, drop it in the comment.

Take care, bye😊😊😊

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