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Adriel woke up sweating and breathing hard, it's the same memory he had yesterday during their drive back to home after shopping.

He clearly don't remember it, but he could see few faces which he don't recognize but felt familar.

His headache had lessen, but he's still feeling a bit dizzy, Adriel don't know what caused the memory yesterday even though it was a few glimpses of faces

After getting freshen up, he went downstairs, usually Marie bring him food to his room, he too prefer to eat here rather than going downstairs because he know that Theo and Blasie won't be happy to see him, and he don't want them get angry and make them say things about him.

Adriel went downstairs and saw Edward and jaspen having breakfast, he greeted them with a smile.

"Good morning"

They greeted him back a bit surprised, they didn't expect Adriel, he usually stay at his room.

"Adriel, you are here, I will get your food ready" Marie spoke when she saw him.

Breakfast was ate in silence, Adriel was barely eating anything as his mind wondered off.

He kept on thinking about the faces he saw, how hard he tried he can't remember them.

"Adriel are you listening?" A voice snapped him out of his imaginary. He looked up to see jaspen looking at him with a questioning look.

"Sorry, I got lost in some thoughts" he apologized.

"I asked, are you feeling well?" Jaspen spoke.

"Yeah, I am alright now" Adriel quickly replied.

There was a moment of silence, until Adriel spoke.

"Is there any church here?"

"Church?" Edward asked

"Yeah, with cemetery behind it, a old kind church" Adriel explained further.

"Why all of a sudden?" Edward asked, taking a bite of toast.

" It's just that, yesterday when we were passing a church on the car, I kind of remember something, it wasn't clear, all I could remember was few faces who I don't recognize and I was standing infront of a grave" Adriel spoke with furrowed brows as he tried to remember the memory.

"Grave? Who's grave was it?" Jaspen asked suddenly interested.

"I...I don't remember it" Adriel spoke, as he absentmindedly rubbed his head.

"May be you will slowly starts to remember" Edward replied as he eyed the boy infront of him carefully, who again look lost in thoughts.

Drawing room

Adriel was sketching while listening to a blast song from Amber's phone.

Amber came today to checkup on Adriel's health and both of them ended up sitting on the floor drawing and painting sketches on the art book Amber brought for him.

"Adriel, which colour should I use for boys hair"

"Bright blue" he replied

"What about dress?"

"May be white"

"Hmm, not a bad choice"

Both of them were so immersed in their drawing that they didn't realise Theo entering the room until he took few colour pens to draw something.

Well I meant scribbling.

"Theo how's your school going?" Amber asked.

"Well not bad" he replied shrugging.

"How about Blasie" Amber asked

"He is having a blast as usual" Theo spoke while drawing.

"Well you guys are going school for partying, studying is a out of topic"

"Hey, It's Blasie, I don't party that much" Theo defended himself.

"Well, he's a different case, I already sensed a party animal in him when he was just a toddler" Amber spoke with a chuckle making Theo grin.

"Adriel, what's your favorite color?" Amber asked out of nowhere.


"Oh, I didn't realise it, sorry for asking" how can she forget that!

Never in her life she shopped for Black dresses like she did yesterday for him.

"Do you have any tattoos" she asked.

"What's up with you today, you are more weirder than yesterday" Adriel asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Oh come on tell me" she asked


"Why? Won't you tell your sister" she asked with a pout.

"Why don't you directly ask my opinion about you getting a tattoo? And I don't have any tattoo" Adriel smirked when he saw a surprised Amber.

"How did you know that I was thinking about getting a tattoo" she asked curious.

"You are too obvious" he simply answered

"You know me well within this short time" she spoke with a proud look, "so tell me your opinion"

"Why are you asking mine?" Adriel asked confused.

"Because, you look like a innocent baby and I want to know honest opinion" she replied cheekly.

"If you want to get a tattoo, then go ahead" Adriel replied with a encouraging nod.

"Won't it give me a bad girl vibe?"

"Really! You are getting a tattoo not getting your character changed, Don't think too much"

"I was thinking of getting a tattoo long before But Lia got it recently and she will think that I copied her" Amber stared at floor with a pout.

"Chin up princess, or your crown might slip" He spoke making Theo look at him in surprise.

Theo never expected Adriel to say something like this, he expected Adriel to be quiet and shy kind of person, but it looks like he might be wrong.

"Don't think about others Opinion, If it's positive then take it otherwise throw it" Adriel spoke, making Amber ruffle his hair.

Theo was watching their conversation Silently, what surprised him was the way both Amber and Adriel seemed so comfortable and friendly.

He don't know why? He felt a little bit jealous of Amber when they both started blickering about who's painting is best and when Amber tried to annoy him messing up his hair for the nth time.

Adriel is not her younger brother, he is his baby brother to tease.

Their Younger BrotherWhere stories live. Discover now