Chapter 11

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His words cut through me like a knife. Leaving me gasping for air. The room seemed to spin as I backed out of it. I could hear him throwing things as I walked down the hall and made my way out of the building. I didn't go back for a week after that. I'd call the nurse's station every afternoon and check in, but I didn't return. After a week, the nurse called me and asked if I could come in and meet with his treatment team. According to the doctor and physical therapy, Dylan had given up. He was refusing physical therapy. Refusing to eat. He wouldn't talk to anyone.

"Is there a golf course around here?" I asked earning a confused look from the others.

"Yes, but I don't see what that has to do with Dylan's problems." The doctor replied.

"Can I get directions and for someone to help me get him into my car. Oh and I need to borrow a wheelchair. I promise to bring him and the wheelchair both back." I stated.

The doctor had just shaken his head before walking out. The physical therapist and an orderly got me the directions and helped me load a very pissed off and cursing Dylan into my car. Fifteen minutes later we pulled up to the golf course.

"Where the hell are we?" Dylan asked.

"We are taking a break from life." I replied before getting out and grabbing the wheelchair, "Now help me load your heavy ass into this damn thing."

"And how am I supposed to do that? It took the therapist and an orderly to get me in here." He growled.

"You're going to do it or I'm going to shove your ass out of the car. I've had just about enough of you moping around and feeling sorry for yourself. Now get to moving." I demanded.

It took some finagling, but after twenty minutes we finally got him into the wheelchair, and I began the task of getting him out onto the golf course. Hole eight had the pond I was looking for.

"Why are we here?" Dylan asked as I plopped down next to him on the grass.

"We're taking a break from life. I already told you that. We're too far from home to go to our thinking spot, so I'm borrowing this one for us. You're going to sit here and contemplate life until you're in a better head space. I love you, and it is killing me to see you like this. You've just given up. I refuse to let you stay here in this head space. You lived. Quit wasting this gift." I said.

"Quit trying to make me better damn it! I already told you to go home!" Dylan shouted.

"I'm not going anywhere, so give it up. No one back home needs me. You do. I'm still working. I'm just doing it remotely. I'm not going away Dylan. I'll be right here by your side until you're ready to come home." I argued back.

"You can't fix me Arden, and even if you could, it wouldn't bring the guys back." He grit out.

"You don't think I know that!" I shouted back at him, "They're gone. They aren't coming back. I know that! Believe me I know that better than anyone. All I see when I close my eyes at night are their cold, dead, lifeless faces. It's burned into my God damn brain. I haven't slept through the night since it happened. I've lost enough though. We all have. I refuse to lose you too. I refuse to let you just give up. You lived Dylan. Quit wasting this opportunity. Spending the rest of your life in a wheelchair isn't going to bring them back either."

I finished the last part on a whisper. Turning my head, I wiped away a tear before it could fall. I couldn't bring myself to look at Dylan, so I just stared out at the water. Shuffling could be heard from him. I turned my head back to him just in time to watch him fall out of the chair onto the grass.

"Shit." He cursed.

"What happened? Are you okay?" I asked.

"I'm fine. I just think better sitting in the grass." He replied.

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