Gathering the Party: Part 2

Start from the beginning

After bidding them farewell, I headed back to the hotel where Jataro and Kotoko were waiting. The area was clear of monokuma, so I knew the two were safe if they actually stayed in the room. I headed up the stairs to the room and knocked on the door. "Kotoko, Jataro. are you two still in there?" I waited for a response, but didn't hear anything. I knocked on the door but didn't get any response still. I put my hand on the door knob and turned it, pushing the door to find that it was unlocked. I clenched my teeth a bit and held onto my bat as I opened the door fully and looked around the room. My bag was open with some of the contents spilled on the ground, the beds that were made before I left were now messy with some bedding missing from them. I stepped into the room more, shutting the door behind me and looking around more, seeing a shape in a dark corner. I take a careful step closer and look at the shape. Kotoko and Jataro were lying on the floor, a few feet between them. The bedding that was missing from the bed was being used as makeshift futons. I let out a sigh and set my bat down, leaning it against the wall. I pat the two sleeping children gently on the head and spoke softly "I'm so going to scold you two in the morning" I left them there while I locked and quietly put a bookshelf in front of the door just in case. Afterwards I cleaned up the mess that was made from my bag before laying down on one of the beds, closing my eyes to get some rest. 

I woke up and sat up slowly, turning to get off the bed my foot tapped against a soft object. I looked down and saw Kotoko laying on the floor next to the bed. I sighed softly, somehow she didn't wake up so I pulled my legs back onto the bed and rolled to the other side. I looked down and saw Jataro laying on the floor of this side of the bed. I sighed and carefully stepped over him to get off the bed. Afterwards I went over to my bag and took everything out in order to check what I still had left as well as organize the contents afterwards. I made sure to leave out some food to eat when I put stuff back into the bag. I sighed after I finished putting stuff away and looked over at the two that were sleeping on the floor. I walked over to them and carefully lifted them onto the beds, making sure not to wake them while doing so. Then I moved the bookshelf away from the door and unlocked the door, looking out into the hall to make sure there weren't any monokuma around. Luckily there weren't any so we would be able to leave the building safely. I closed the door and went over to the windows, looking out and down to the streets. From where I was, I could only see a small amount of monokuma walking around the streets, meaning the monokuma were no longer interested in whatever was around here or the monokuma were being attracted to another location. I sighed and sat down against the wall, near my bat. While sitting there I ate some of the food that I had taken out, leaving the rest for the other 2. 

After a while of waiting, Kotoko and Jataro woke up. I scolded them for not locking the door and then falling asleep when I left, then gave the their breakfast. Once they had eaten I told them the plans for the day and handed Jataro the weapon I had built for him. It was a long staff that could shoot one of 2 claws from the top. the first claw was attached to a steel cord, it would be able to be pulled back into the staff and either pull an object to him, or pull him to an object. The other was just a normal claw, it would have to be replaced or retrieved if shot out. Since the claws stuck out at the top, he would also be able to slash or bludgeon anything that got to close to him. He carefully took the weapon from me while I explained how it worked to him, then we headed out. Our destination didn't take too long to reach since it was only a few blocks away and there weren't many monokuma around. The place we decided to go to first was the history museum since it was closer to the hotel. The outside was scratched up and covered in blood, but the door was clean. I went up and opened the door carefully, looking inside. Just like the door, the inside was clean. The displays were all emptied despite how clean it was, and the sound of scraping could be heard echoing through the building. I walked in carefully and looked around, after determining that it was safe enough, I motioned for Kotoko and Jataro to follow me. I walked carefully towards the direction of the scraping and saw stair leading down to the basement of the building. I frowned more and slowly descended the stairs, followed by the 2 children. 

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