Chapter 24

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Sara was surprised when she returned to the ship. Not by the fact that Mick and Snart were on the bridge with the Fire totem, she'd expected that. What she wasn't expecting to find was Snart's little sister Lisa waiting there with them.

"What is your sister doing here? Not that it isn't good to see you Lisa." Sara said.

"Well, we were hoping there was room on the ship for one more." Snart said and Sara sighed.

"Really?" Sara asked, looking at Lisa, since they were running out of rooms. It was lucky that she and Ava, Ray and Nora and even Nate and Zari were sharing rooms onboard the ship, but it was still a bit of a tight fit, especially with Adrianna joining their ranks. It was just a good thing that they only lived on the ship when they were on missions, since one of the benefits of the Vanishing Point still being intact is that they actually lived there when they were off duty.

"Look Sara, I get that you probably don't have a lot of room left on this ship, but please. I need to do this." Lisa said.

"Why do you want to be a Legend? Not for the same reason your brother did when he first joined the team I hope, because while we tolerate light to moderate theft throughout history, just to keep Mick and Leonard happy, plus it means we get souvenirs, the kind of scores they were originally after violate the rules we do follow." Sara said and Lisa chuckled.

"I can understand why you'd think that, but no, that's not why I want to join. I want to join your team so I can make sure that my idiot brother doesn't get himself killed again." Lisa said and now Sara's look softened.

"As a fellow little sister who's older sister died before I could even say goodbye, I understand. We're both lucky that in this new world, we got our siblings back." Sara said.

"How did you get your memories restored?" Snart asked.

"Cisco tracked me down and did it to help me stay off dad's radar and also to let me know where Lenny was. Plus, now I can go back to laughing at Mick for being Rebecca Silver." Lisa said and Mick groaned as Sara laughed.

"You're lucky we only live on this ship when we're in the field. The Vanishing Point has plenty of space and honestly, in this line of work, it never hurts to have a few extra thieves on hand." Sara said.

"So I can stay." Lisa said and Sara nodded.

"Yes, but your brother is responsible for teaching you how to be a Legend." Sara said and Snart nodded.

"Onto a new topic, I'm glad to see you accomplished your mission and got the fire totem. That brings us one step closer to defeating Mallus if we need to and it sounds like we will." Sara said.

"What do you mean?" Mick asked.

"Behrad ended up recruiting his other sister Adrianna, who owns the water totem and they took a little trip into the spirit world where they discovered that Mallus is rising again, which is why we now have three Tarazis on our ship." Sara said.

"What about Charlie?" Mick asked.

"No word from Constantine on that, but I hope he gets her here soon." Sara said, since she did miss their shape shifting teammate.

"Anyways, what did we miss?" Snart asked.

"I had a chat with an old friend of yours." Sara said.

"Which one?" Snart asked.

"The Reverse Flash." Sara said.

"When was I ever friends with that dick? With the somewhat exception of Allen, I hate speedsters." Snart said.

"Right, I forgot we erased your memory of that." Sara said.

"What do you mean you erased my memory?" Snart asked.

"About a year after you died, we ended up in a race with the Reverse Flash for pieces of an artifact called the spear of destiny. Due to the fact that Thawne wasn't supposed to exist, he couldn't stop running long enough to properly look for the pieces, so he recruited other villains from throughout history. Damien Darhk, Malcolm Merlyn and you." Sara said.

"Why would I ever work with him?" Snart asked.

"It was when you were at your worst, right after we got our guns. That bastard found you and told you how you died. You joined him to prevent that and also because of the power the spear would provide." Mick said.

"And after we found a way to stop him, we erased the memories of his lackeys, that's right, you were a lackey, and put them back into the timeline. I guess when we restored your memories, it didn't remind you of working with him." Sara said.

"I was a lackey. To a speedster of all people. If I ever become that version of myself again, kill me." Snart said.

"Gladly." Mick agreed.

"So, where are we off now Captain?" Mick asked her.

"Zambezi, 1942." Sara said and Mick smiled.

"I was wondering if we'd ever see her again." Mick said.

"We need her to be ready for the fight with Mallus. Besides, no harm in catching up with an old friend and I promise we will make it to the old west eventually." Sara said and Mick grinned.

"Good." Mick said.

"Gideon, did you hear that?" Sara asked.

"I've already plotted the course, just waiting for you to give the all clear to jump." Gideon said.

"Well you've got it. Now that we're all aboard, no reason to wait." Sara said.

"Right away captain." Gideon said.

"You might want to strap in. First jump is always the worst." Snart warned her as they took their seats on the bridge.

"Did you warn her about the side effects?" Sara asked.

"Wait, what side effects?" Lisa asked and her brother grinned.

"Trust me, you'll need to see them to believe them." Snart said as the ship jumped.

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