Everybody went silent before Scott broke it.

"The plan is to save you." He breathed out, staring into Stiles' eyes and then to Reese's one. "Both of you."

Everyone looked at him oddly, but didn't question it anyway.

Not wasting another second, Scott pushed the door open to reveal a snowing Japanese garden.

"Well... that definitely wasn't a part of the plan." Reese muttered between her teeth, hugging herself as the wind slightly shook her dress. She even more cold than before.

There was a long moment who nobody dare saying a thing before the nogitsune, the bandage one, came and started to talk with a muffled voice.

"Like I promised, Stiles..." he began, darting his eyes between each members of the pack... "We're going to kill all of them." Before stopping at Reese who glared back at him with fury in her eyes. "One by one."

Many Onis came and started to circle them.

"What the hell is this? Where are we?" Scott asked, looking at the disgusting creature.

"Between life and death." He simply said. Reese swore she could hear his smirk behind all his bandages.

"Bardo." Reese whispered under her breath. Only hearing it, Stiles turned his head in her direction and saw the terror in her eyes which made him even more confused and even more scared for her.

"But there are no peaceful deities here, little raven." The bandage man replied, apparently able to hear what she had just said.

At this statement, Stiles, the real one, sneak an arm around her waist, making her closer to him to kind of protect her for the monster.

"You're dying, Stiles." The nogitsune whispered loudly. "And now everyone you is about to die, too."

"What do you mean?" Stiles shakily demanded, not noticing he had let go of Reese. But the only answer he received was a loud, creepy chuckle.

"Stiles?" Reese's weak voice croaked.

When he turned around, he found a Oni with a sword resting of Reese's stomach.

Just as the Valdove was about to move closer to help her, another Oni came next to him to stop him from moving any closer.

The nogitsune shook his head lightly. "See, I've captured,now, all of the territories on the board, Stiles. The hospital. The sheriff's station. The animal clinic, your Valraven..."

A silent fell between the group until he spoke again, explaining the ritual of Seppuku and the fact that Scott is his kaishakuni, Reese's vision blurs itself slowly.

"They're all gonna die. Everyone who was touched by an Oni's blade." The nogitsune's vicious voice rang. "Unless Scott kills you first."

Stiles took a quick look at his girlfriend and said, "Why? Why are you doing this?"

"To win the game." He simply replied.

And with this, a fight started. Lydia hid behind a rock as Stiles came closer to Reese and check her wound.

"Hey, hey. You're going to be fine, okay?" Stiles rassures her and him by the same occasion.

Without Warning  ✺  S.S Where stories live. Discover now