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<< Put the song now >>

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

<< Put the song now >>

Beacon Hills, October 2013.

Reese was running though the hallway. She didn't know why or from who but she did.

Deaton told her that Scott, Allison and Stiles were sacrificing themselves to find the Nemeton and her, well apparently she just had to wait and don't let whatever what was here touch her or talk to her.

Well it was going to be easy, because the veterinarian told her that 'normally' nobody would be able to see her.

The young girl was dressed with a long and black dress, probably from the Middle Ages.

Then, suddenly she stopped in front of a big door. She opened it and saw filled bookshelves. She ran toward it and took the first book she saw and opened it.

At first, the words were clear but after turning two pages, the letter were not in the correct order anymore. She turned and turned and turned, again and again. But all the words were not understandable.

She took another book and opened it but it was the same. She couldn't read any words that was written on the book or the pages.

Ten books after, she heard a loud 'thud' and turned around and slowly walked toward the sound. But stopped in her course when she heard a dark voice,

"Reese" it whispered loudly. "Reese, come here."

But instead of going in this direction, the Valraven turned and headed toward the exit of the room.

Before she could leave, she turned her head and saw a man, with bandages around his head and a pilote coat. She quickly returned her head and exit the room as she ran for her dear life.

The man began to ran after her, making her heart dropped and her throat hurt.

"Reese, you can't escape you know." He said. "It's too late now."

Reese didn't stopped, she kept running away from this scary man.

"Leave me alone." She shouted at him once she arrived at a cul-de-sac. The man appeared at the opposite of her and responded,

"Oh, poor little raven. Her dove isn't here to protect her?" He asked amused by the vulnerable Reese in front of him.

"Shut up! You don't know anything about me." She shouted, still facing her back to him.

"True, but I'll know much more in... how much I don't remember... Not a long time, that's for sure. So you don't have to worry about it." He said as he moved forward. Reese turned around to finally face him.

"What do you want?" She cried while a single tears slide on her cheek.

"Chaos, strife, pain" he slowly said as his face changed a bit. It was like Stiles was at his place but then it returned to the bandage face.

Without Warning  ✺  S.S Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ