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Beacon Hills, October 2013

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Beacon Hills, October 2013.

   "Look at this." Reese said as she walked closer to the car and showed the claws marks on the door. "See those?"

   Scott nodded and placed his hand to verify if the marks were too far from each other to be an animal who did this. And they were far from each other, so it was a werewolf. Great.

   "My dad was right." Stiles muttered loudly enough to Scott and Reese to hear. Then the Valdove looked inside and pull out a doll.

   They all looked at it like they had never seen this before until its voice echoed, "I'm hungry"

   They all let out a scream and let the doll fell on the ground as Stiles placed a hand on his chest.

   "I think I just had a minor heart attack." Stiles said sarcastically.

   "Please tell me you see that." Reese told them as she saw a coyote.

   Scott ran after, making the couple shout at him.

   After they found Scott again and showed him the were-coyote den, they called the sheriff. They explained him about the whole were-coyote thing that could be Malia who is currently searching by the sheriff.

   Scott, Stiles, Allison and Reese were now at the back of their history class to talk about the den they found.

   "Here's where we found the den. It's right in the middle of the hiking trails." Stiles explained as he showed on his tablet the emplacement.

   "Well, that could narrow it down. Coyotes travel in fixed trails. But I think you're right about her not going back to the den. Coyotes don't like wolves." Allison informed, looking right into Scott's eyes.

Allison continued her explanation until the bell. Then they all walked toward their seat.

But before Scott could, Kira stopped him and it's where an awkward exchange happened. Cute.

The class started but Reese didn't pay attention to it. It was like in her 'dream', she couldn't read.

"Mr. Stilinski, how about you?" Mr Yukimura interrupted her thoughts. The Valraven raised her head to glance at her Valdove. She knew he couldn't read, it was happening to her too.

"Oh, maybe someone else could." Stiles proposed shyly.

"Everyone participates in my class, Mr. Stilinski." The teacher simply replied. Stiles went to stand up but was cut by Reese sailing her hand.

"Maybe I could do it. I am good at reading." Reese lied, she also couldn't read at the moment but it was better her than Stiles.

"A volonteer?" The teacher asked and Reese nods vigorously her head. "Okay, go."

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