Chapter 26 - The Breach

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~Chapter 26~ 

(y'all are gonna hate this one, love uuuuuuu)

*The Breach*


    Luke was currently fuming, pacing the infirmary as he tried to figure out what to do. They'd scoured the entire premise of the castle and he wasn't there. Luke didn't want to call back to his headquarters, because that would mean admitting he lost his client. That was a big no-no in his line of work.

    He'd gone to the security head quarters to see if any of the video cameras had picked up what went down. The moment Louis appeared out in the garden, all the cameras moved. It was almost like someone had gone in and pointed the cameras at a different angle.

    But how had Louis done that? Unless he wasn't working alone...

    "Why the fuck is this happening?" Luke flexed his bruised hand, the one he'd mangled earlier when he couldn't find the brick to get into Ashton's art room. He wished he could send it flying into another wall, but he surprisingly hadn't broken any fingers the first time, and he probably wouldn't be so lucky the second. "Where is he?" he asked when no one responded the first time.

    Harry shook his head, lightly brushing the curls from Louis's face. Louis was lying on a stretcher. He had been found in the guest quarters, passed out with a few needles stuck in his leg. The doctor who ran the infirmary (that was essentially its own little hospital) said that Louis was going to be fine since they'd caught his hypoglycemic coma early. Essentially he'd just overdosed some of his insulin. When running a tox screen and checking bloodwork and the medication he was taking, they found out that Louis had diabetes, and he had to give himself injections a few times daily to keep his sugar levels steady. Luke figured that was probably where he'd been running off to so often.

    Why Louis had overdosed himself didn't make sense, but Ashton's location was also a mystery, and Luke was fuming.

    "Hey, Luke, why don't you sit down," Michael suggested, gesturing to a chair nearby. Luke shook his head, he'd rather pace around the room until something jumped out at him.

    "Okay, so here's what we know," He said when the steady beep of Louis's monitor amidst the silence became too much for him. "We know Ashton was upset, he ran away, Louis found him and was talking to him, and then he disappeared."

    "It's not Louis's fault. He didn't do this," Harry defended. He was closest with Louis and knew the quick-witted, kind, brunette would never do something of that nature.

    "How do you know?"

    "What proof do you have?" Harry countered. Luke rolled his eyes.

    "I don't have proof of anything, except that Ashton is gone and there's some evidence that points to Louis."

    "But no proof."

    Luke shook his head. He just wanted Ashton to be returned, free of harm. He wanted to know who did this and make them pay.

    "Where's Calum?" Michael asked absently, watching Louis as he breathed steadily.

    Luke looked around; he hadn't noticed the loss of the other boy.

    "He must have gotten lost in the chaos, maybe the guards sequestered him someplace else during the lockdown." After they'd found Louis, Luke commanded the guards to do a full sweep of the castle and to keep the civilians out of the way. "Jackson, please go find Calum and bring him back here."

    "Yes, Sir Luke." The man peeled himself off the wall and bowed himself out.

    "I can't believe this,"

The Prince's CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora