Chapter 5 - The Dining Hall

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* The Dining Hall *

"But there is no point in doing this, for I have a credit card set up with more than enough funds than I could ever need," Ashton insisted, crossing his legs as he sat on his bed, sitting up with is perfect princely posture.

    "I know you don't need the money, but maybe you'll meet some people you can be friends with. Normal college students need a job to pay for tuition,"

    "But I am not a normal college student, Luke. I am a—"

    "Don't finish that," he snapped. Luke was tired of explaining to him that it didn't matter. "We've been here almost a week and the only reason we've left the room is for class. That's super lame. We need to do something else."

    Ashton didn't look convinced.

    "My boss said it's important that you seem as normal as possible, Ash. Why don't we go down to the dining hall, I saw some signs there the other day that said they were hiring."

    Ashton sighed.

    "I suppose,"

    The two walked over to the dining hall that was across from their dorm. It was a large building, built in a U shape with a courtyard in between the long sides.

    Inside the building was not super busy. It was only ten am, so it wasn't open yet. This dining hall didn't serve breakfast, they opened at 11 for lunch. There were other places on campus to get breakfast at.

    "Hello, the two of us were hoping to pick up an application. We wanted to work here," Luke went up to someone in a light blue shirt standing behind the counter. There was a small variety store in the corner that sold snacks and drinks, so he figured that would be the place to go to.

    "Cool, you're hired," the man grinned lopsided, pushing his short brown hair back across his forehead.

    "Uh, just like that?" Luke questioned. Ashton didn't seem confused, he had no idea how to apply for a job, so this didn't seem unusual to him.

    "I mean, I'll have the two of you sit down for an interview if you want, but we're super understaffed, so we're kind of taking anyone," He said, picking up a basket of food and nodding for Luke to follow him. They walked down an aisle, slowing down as he began fixing items on the shelves and restocking them.

    "I mean, that's cool, we'll take it." Luke glanced at Ashton who was being uncharacteristically quiet. Ashton nodded when he looked at him. 

    "Great! I'm Calum," he stuck his hand out to Luke and to Ashton to shake. "I'm one of the student managers here. Once I put this basket away, I'll sit down with you two, ask you a couple questions just in case Rich—he's the head chef here, kind of one of our bosses—asks if you got a 'proper interview' and we can talk about schedule and all that shit," he smiled sheepishly. "Sorry, and all that jazz. Gotta stay professional,"

    Luke laughed. He liked this guy. Maybe working there wouldn't be so bad.

    "Go sit over at that booth, I'll bring over the forms shortly."

    Luke and Ashton went over to where Calum pointed. There were three booths pushed against one wall, near an electric fire place. Luke thought this would be a nice place to sit in the winter and watch the snow was fall through the large windows on the opposite side of the room.

    Calum did join them only a couple minutes later. He set two blue folders down in front of them. He opened them up and gave them each a pen.

    "Go ahead and fill these out, I'll be right back. My walkie isn't working, and I need to get someone to cover me in the store while I help you gents out,"

The Prince's CurseOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora