Chapter 12 - The Game Night

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~Chapter 12~

*The Game Night*

"Hey guys! So glad you could make it!"

Luke and Ashton were invited into the dorm room, walking past Calum and standing in the entranceway. Luke wasn't pleased that the game night was happening at Calum's dorm, but Ashton was insistent they attend. He'd been much more pleasant to deal with since Luke agreed to let him go to late night the other day and they'd almost been companionable with each other. It was sort of nice.

"Thank you for inviting us," Ashton handed a plastic bag to Calum. He opened it, finding a bag of chips, pretzels, and a couple candies inside.

The dark haired boy grinned.

"Thanks, mate, you didn't have to bring anything." Luke gave Ashton a pointed look, but he shook his head.

"You invited me as a guest, it is protocol to bring something for the host," Ashton had been fretting over what would be appropriate to bring, and Luke had advised some snacks since he wouldn't let it go. It was a game night, so they'd get hungry. Ashton hadn't thought that would be enough, but Luke insisted. Apparently the blonde was right, because Michael bumbled over, snatching the bag away and pulling a packet of twizzlers out.

"These are mine," he shoved everything else into Calum's arms before returning to the couch. "Ash, come sit with me! I want to show you some of the games we have,"

Ashton waved to Calum and ditched Luke who frowned. He didn't want to stand in the entry way with Calum Hood.

"How's it goin?" Calum asked, stepping over into the kitchen to grab bowls and cups. There were a couple bottles of soda sitting next to a small cooler of ice. Calum opened a bag of pretzels and dumped them into a bowl.

"Fine. Thanks for having us," he said begrudgingly. He looked over as Ashton tipped his head backwards in laughter, giggling at something Michael said. The pink haired boy was red faced and grinning at the prince.

"Yep," Calum popped the 'p' and opened a bag of chips, doing the same thing with them as well as the cheez doodles. "Anything to get Ash here," he flashed a smirk before gathering the chips in his arms and walking over to his friends. Luke could feel his anger boiling but tampered it down. There was no reason to let Calum get under his skin so early in the evening.

There was a knock on the door and Michael instructed Luke to open it since he was the closest.

"Oh," the guest looked up at Luke, since he was much taller. "I think I got the wrong room," a boy with red, yellow, and blue patchy colored hair said. He looked to the left where the dorm number plaque was.

"Yo, Awst, we're in here," Michael called. Awst looked past Luke and nodded when he saw his friends.

"Sorry, bro didn't realize," Awst flashed a goofy smile. "I'm Awsten, nice to meet you. You're a friend of Michael's?"

Luke shook his head.

"I'm Luke. I work with Calum,"

Awsten nodded.

"Oh, cool, you're the one who's friends with Ash, Cal told us you'd be coming." Awsten stepped aside to reveal two more people.

"Hey, Luke," Harry gave a small wave. "This is my roommate Awsten, and you've met Louis,"

"Yeah, hey guys." Luke stepped aside so they could all come in.

"I hope you've got snacks!" Awsten sang as he walked inside, sliding his shoes off and kicking them against a wall and barreling into the living room. He zeroed in on the bowl of chips and hugged it, sitting on the floor next to a small coffee table and munching on them before Harry and Louis were even inside the room.

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