Chapter 59 (I wasn't invited to have such fun)

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Zhan Xian is like a electrocuted man, he shivers and shakes and then he coughs till his face is all red

"Yi-er.....I-I......." Zhan Xian stands like a status and he doesn't know how to react, his body is longing but his strict discipline and the love for Wangyi didn't allows him to move forward.

The cute Wangyi just moves forward and puts her hands around the prince  and let him rest his head on her neck and begins to pat him like a baby.

"Don't' be sad, having someone to share your grief is better than holding it alone, you feel half less painful, mother says so" Wangyi told Zhan Xian.

Those Sandlewood fragrant has intoxicated Zhan Xian body and that soft warm body has smooth all the pain away, he knows that Wangyi did this innocently to make him feels better and he closes his eyes and just let his feeling flows to enjoy this moment of warm from someone that is close to him in his heart. However, Zhan Xian hangs his hand at the side, he knew that Wangyi is pure and innocent and he wants to appreciate the kindness and love and not taint this sweet moment of comfort from Wangyi.

Resting on the soft shoulder of his beloved, Zhan Xian is enjoying this moment of love, floating in the heaven until only a very short while to him, he heard Wangyi asks him

"Are you better now?" Wangyi asks

Zhan Xian feels like it is only a moment but maybe good time always feels short and so he apologises

"Ahem, very much better, thank you yi-er" Zhan Xian smiles at Wangyi and indeed, he feels like those frustration and anger has been replaced by the love that fills in his heart.

Zhan Xian stands straight and he looks into Wangyi

"Let's go back to the palace and report all these to father" Zhan Xian told Wangyi.

Wangyi nods and they both set off back to the palace.

By the time, both of them reached the palace gate, it is already dark in the evening. The clothes they worn were of ordinary farmer's clothing. Thus, the guards that were guiding at the palace immediately held up their hands and summon them to stop.

Zhan Xian purposely asks Wangyi asks lower her head and now both of them have their heads lowered and Zhan Xian used a very hoarse voice

"We are relative of the servant here, can we go in to pass them some stuff" Zhan Xian asks with a very hoarse voice.

The older guard who seems like the team leader is actually fuming with fire and he had a very sarcastic laugh and then he stop firmly

"You think this is the market place or what, you can come and go to pick vegetables. This is the palace and inside is our emperor, the one that rules the country" the team leader shouted at both of them because he couldn't believe his ears.

Zhan Xian then begins to took out a gold ingot and offer to the team leader

"How about you take this money and help me please, I just want to see my brother who is working as a chef inside" Zhan Xian with his pretended hoarse voice seems to plead earnestly.

The team leader got even more angry and he now puts up his sword

"Now, what you are doing is offering bribe to the palace guard and this is a big offend, I am going to take you down, you stupid idiot!" the team leader now wanting to charge forward and follows behind him are about a team of six men who are now already drew their swords.

Suddenly, Zhan Xian lift up his head and he starts clapping loudly with a wide smile. The team leader suddenly stops and starts to stare at him, no one would claps when they are being attacked. The person in front of him must be some body, he is still cautious with his sword forward but he widens his eyes and when Zhan Xian wipe away those mud and reveals his handsome face.

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