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Garfield: Marinette, you could help her can't you?! Certainly one of the miraculouses can do that. Please?!?! We have to try!!

Marinette: No we can't, Garfield. If we did, then someone else's life will be..-

Garfield: So you're saying that you can do it...then please we have to try! She didn't deserve this. Please...if you had the chance to bring someone back, wouldn't you do it?!?

Marinette's POV

He's right. I would, but at what cost? That's right...the cost of another life. And it could very well be one in the team, or even himself. I can't let that happen.

Garfield: I'm sure at some point you must've felt remorse, anger, sadness.

*gasps* *gets flashbacks of her memories* What was...*another one* What is all that?!!??

Tikki: Oh no, her memories are returning. Her mind can't handle much more. The spell must've weakened when she helped Raven with the spell earlier.

Nightwing: Garfield, maybe we should think this through....

Garfield: Even if it's my life then...please...I'll do anything.



Mari-slut...why did you hit had no right!

Why can't you be more sentimental, Marinette?
You know, if you all want...I'm close friends with Nettie. I can probably get you guys the tickets for the concert.
(Can you guys guess who that is?)
Marinette, is that true? Did you really push Lila down the stairs?

And take her necklace?
Marinette, we're going out. Please try not to get yourself in trouble. Stay safe.

Why didn't you believe me.
It turns out that the train that left for 10 am had an engine malfunction and caught on fire burning it down....there were no survivors...
I'm so sorry Marinette. I heard that your parents died. I bet you must feel terrible...
Shut up...make it stop....
It's all my's all her fault....
If Lila won't go...then I must...for everyone's sake. *pushes herself off the Eiffel Tower*
Marinette, What the hell were you thinking?! If Master Fu hadn't caught you in time you would've died!!!
I just wanna be left alone.
Why can't they just gift me that??!!?!?!? I'll do anything!!!

Flashback Ends/ Present time:

Garfield: Please.....

Marinette: No. I don't know what it is to feel remorse....I don't know what it is to feel anger, pain...suffering....what it is to feel sadness?!?! No, you don't know what it feels like. Let me tell's a whole lot of hell than you could ever imagine.
I was burdened with the position of being Ladybug. And everyone dumped their reliability onto me...because they think that I...that me and Chat can't fail. A certain liar tore my life apart with a simple lie that turned all of my friends...including my parents against me, physically and mentally abusing and bullying me....and I don't know what pain and suffering is. Oh...and there's more. My parents died because of me...and I had a reality...a vision in my mind...where I could be happy...where it could all go back to normal...but that dream crumbled. Heck, I even tried suicide, jumping from the tallest monument in Paris, the Eiffel Tower. Master Fu saved me..rescued me. I ran away. A few days later he found me, called me to join him and the other Guardians at the monastery. I begged him to erase my memories...but it seems that memories always come back...when you least expect it.
I can't bring Terra back without one of your teammates dying in return for her life. She was the one who actually successfully committed suicide, I envy her, she found peace. But she did that to herself. And if you brought her back...there's no guarantee she won't die again. That's final.

Marinette left and walked away from the rubble calling on a kwami. Kaalki, Full Gallop! Voyage!

Damian: Marinette!

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