Hanging Out With Kai

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Sorry this has been delayed. I kinda lost inspiration and school has caught up with me. The practice ACT was Wednesday and life has been...life. But I am back now and plan on wrapping this up soon!


January 15, 2012

     Taemin and the rest of SHINee have been very busy working on their new comeback. He said it'll probably be sometime in March. He told me a few days ago that they're working with Tony Testa for their new song Sherlock. I can't wait! I'm excited for him. But since then, he hasn't been talking to me. He hasn't called me or even sent me a text. I can't get upset since we're both very busy. Yesterday, I was in the studio with Boa for four hours and then I had to go to SM for more vocal practice. My voice had been acting funny since I caught a cold a while ago.

    It is now three in the afternoon...on a Saturday. I have nothing to do! I seriously need a life. I sighed and collapsed on the couch. I decided to watch Full House since nothing else was on. I could seriously watch Rain all day. That was going to be my plan until my phone began ringing. I groaned and picked it up. Once seeing it was Kai calling, I answered it.

     "What do you want, Jongin?" I asked him with a sigh.

     "Don't sound so happy, Ki. You know you're happy to hear my voice."

     "I would be happier if you called when Rain wasn't on TV."

     "Fangirl over him later. Let's go out."

     "Where? What are we going to do?"

     "We could go shopping and get something to eat. What do you think?"

     "Hm..." I did seem like a pretty good idea. There isn't much to do now and Kai is fun to be around...

     "Sounds like a plan. Just let me get dressed and I'll be there in about an hour."

     "You aren't dressed yet?"

     "I like being in pajamas when I don't plan on going out, Jongin. Why should I get dressed if I'm laying in the house all day?"


     "Jongin, isn't this cute?" I asked showing him a Rilikkuma phone charm. After I got to the dorm, we decided to go to Myeongdong. "You should get some for your sisters."

     "I'll think about it," he said as we continued walking down the street. It's kind of surprising how we can be out here with only hats and sunglasses on and people still don't recognize us. It's like being normal again for the first time in a long time. We turned the corner when a store caught my eye.

     "Jongin, let's check out Bulgari. I want to get Taemin some sunglasses," I said tugging on his arm.

     "You didn't get him any when we went to Lacoste and Ralph Lauren? How much money do you have anyway?" he asked.

     "Enough to spend three-hundred dollars on his sunglasses and feed the both of us. Now let's go!" I said taking his hand and pulling him inside the store.


     I got the sunglasses for Taemin and snuck and got some cologne for Jongin. We are now currently sitting inside Crystal Jade Restaurant. Jongin has officially ate himself into a coma I think. He laid his head on the table looking pretty dead to me. I poked the top of his head earning a groan from him. So he is alive.

     "Get up Jongin. It's already 7:20 and I have to get up early," I said taking out my wallet to pay for the meal.

     "I got the bill," he said suddenly sitting up.

     "Well aren't you a gentleman," I said with a smile and standing. After picking up our bags, we began the journey back to my car. "Today was nice," I said struggling with my heavy bags.

     "It was. We should do it again," Jongin said running his hand through his hair. "Do you need some help?"

     "No I got it," I said. He ignored me and took two of my bags anyway.

     He's been really kind to me lately. He's a good friend and I'm glad I have him as a friend. When we reached the car, Jongin helped me put our bags in the trunk and even opened the door for me. Maybe he's being a little too kind... I didn't think much about it and got in. When Jongin was seated in the passenger side, I began driving back to the dorm.


     The other members of EXO were happy to see me since Jongin met me in front of their dorm earlier today. The persuaded me to stay for a few minutes and talk. Seriously, I don't know where they get all of their energy from. The supposed to be 'few minutes' turned into a little more than an hour. It was almost ten when I actually got back home. I took all of my bags and placed them at the foot of my bed. I started going through them and put everything I got for Taemin in one bag. Just as I was about to change into my pajamas, my phone began vibrating. It was a text from Taemin.

From: Jagiya❤❤

I love you

     I smiled. It was a simple message, nothing special. These three little words are always enough to make my heart flutter and put a huge smile on my face. It lets me know that he's thinking about me even when we can't talk. I replied to him my love for him in return and proceeded to change into my pajamas. I'll surprise him by stopping by in the morning...

    The next morning, everything came crashing down...

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