ring ring

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"What do you want Damon?" I asked as I walked down the side walk looking for my next meal. It was dark and not a lot of people were out because of all the 'animal' attacks. Well I was looking for someone until my brother Damon called. He has the worst timing, and not just this right here he had called or showed up when I am literally ripping someone's heart out and that is still not the worst.

"We need your help." Stefan said as he took the phone.

"Wait wait wait... You two are in the same room. No same town and one of you are not dead... I'm impressed what do you need."

"Come back to mystic falls and we'll fill you in." Damon said.

"Ha, your kidding right? Mystic falls? I hate that hell whole." I said as I came to a stop.

"Please we need your help to kill Katherine." They both said at the same time. I started choking on air at the words that just came out of their mouths.

"I'll be there in 6 hours" I said hanging up the phone and running back to my car. There is no way I am missing out on the chance to kill that woman. I hate her I really really do. She did nothing to me personally but I am the one who had to hold and comfort both! My brothers. Damon more than stefan. But still, then. Then I had to hear all about how she wasn't the tomb and how she lied and I can't believe she never looked for me, what am I going to do blah blah blah. All I got in was uh uh hmm, really?, I never would have guessed. The main thing I really wanted to say was 'I told you so, I told you so' but... that would be childish. So... I held my tongue. Ugh.

It's a good thing she is finally going to die I don't know she has lived this long but I feel sorry for the world and men for having to deal with her.

As I made way into town I pulled up to the boarding house. Wow... I really hate this place. This is the last place I want to be. But I sucked it up and got out of my car making my way to the front door.

Now how should I make a dramatic entrance. My brothers seem to like doing that so mine as well give it a try.

I pushed the door open and slamming it behind me. Ok so go so far. I walked down the hall to stop. I use my speed to jump.on my brother Damon's back.

"Here I am to save your arse. Everyone beware female Salvatore is here." I said wrapping my arms around his neck to hold my self up.

"Female Salvatore? Really?" Damon asked raising an eyebrow at me.

"Yes and unless you want me to leave I'd advise you to be quite." I said. I looked.up to see stefan just looking at us amused. I looked over to see another person. It wasn't Katherine but she looked just like her. Oh no. You have got to be kidding. "Really?" I asked getting off Damon's back.

"It's not katherine." Stefan said hurriedly like I was goin to attack.

"I know. She is human where katherine is a vampire. Duh." The girl looked at me weirdly.

"Clara this is elena. Elena this is clara." Damon said like we were three.

"You said Salvatore? How are you related?" Elena asked. I didn't like her much all ready but decided to mess with her. She must be with stefan seeing as they are holding hands.

This should be fun.

"What? Stefan you didn't tell her about me." I started to fake cry. "I-i thought you said we would always be together? Do you not love me anymore? Your own wife? And your leaving me for this elena girl? How could you?" I said elenas eyes got big. I walked up to him and slapped him. "But it's ok I'll still love you. We can leave this town later." I kissed his cheek and walked back next to Damon. "I love you too." I said to Damon kissing him on the cheek.

That was it both my brother broke out laughing. Elena was just confused.

"That was priceless. You should have see your face." Damon said still laughing. Elena still confused finally spoke up.


"They're my brothers." I clarified. Realization crossed her face and she smiled. I turned back to Damon. "So when do we get to kill Katherine?"

"Tonight." Damon said as happy as I was. "But you are not sound the actual killing stefan and me are doing the killing. You my dear sister are the back up plan."



Salvatore's sister (elijah/oc/klaus)Where stories live. Discover now