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Suggested by: louisxwallz28 George2216

"What a lovely beard you have."


"Yeah." Harry chuckled.

"Beard? Oh, my so-called girlfriend." Zayn sighed.

"Why didn't you give Liam a heads up?" Harry wondered.

"He's not my boyfriend, Harry." Zayn answered.

"I know, but he thought that she really is your girlfriend and that you might have used him to cheat on her. He doesn't know how that whole thing works, Z." Harry informed him.

"Shit. That's bad. I'll talk to him." Zayn promised.

"Good. So how are you?" Harry asked.

"I'm okay. I'm about to start writing a new album." Zayn said.

"That's great!" Harry answered with a smile.

"Yeah...uhm, I'm gonna ask if I can be in London while I write it. Spend some more time at home, you know?" Zayn said.

"That would be awesome!" Harry smiled. He wondered if Liam had something to do with it but he didn't ask.

"Yeah, so how are you?" Zayn wondered.

"I'm good. I just came home from a dinner with Louis actually." Harry answered.

"Date?" Zayn questioned.

"I don't know." Harry chuckled.

"Isn't that something you should know? Sorry, I have to go. Talk to you later." Zayn said and they hung up.

That was indeed something he should know. They said that it was dinner as friends but then they almost kissed again. He really didn't know.

He went to bed without setting an alarm since he had tomorrow off as well. He woke up from the sound of his cellphone ringing.

"I'm bored!"


"Yes. I'm bored!" Louis whined.

Harry smiled.
"Wanna hang out?"

"Yes!" Louis immediately agreed.

"Great. Ehm, do you wanna come by my place?" Harry asked.

"Sure. I'll be there in an hour." Louis agreed and hung up.

Harry hurried to get out of bed and hit the shower. After he was presentable he tidied up his place and he had just finished when there was a knock on the front door. He went to open it and was met by a smiling Louis.

"Hi, come in." Harry said and stepped to the side to let him inside.

Louis took off his shoes and jacket and they walked into the living room. Louis looked around.
"Nice place."

"Thank you. So, are you hungry? I haven't eaten yet." Harry asked.

"I can eat. Can you cook?" Louis wondered.

Harry thought that he was joking but from the look of it, he didn't.
"Yes. Is pasta okay?"

"Sure." Louis agreed and they made their way into the kitchen.

Harry opened the fridge and took out some mince, tomatoes, fresh basil, yellow onions, and red pepper. Louis was peeking over his shoulder. He turned around with a smile.
"One might think that you have never seen the inside of a fridge before."

"Not one that's filled with so many things. You use all that for cooking?" Louis wondered.

"Uhm, yeah. You don't cook?" Harry asked in amusement.

"I try sometimes. I'm not good at it." Louis chuckled.

"Alright." Harry smiled.

He filled a pot with water and put it on the stove. Louis jumped to sit on the counter, watching Harry cook. They small talked while Harry chopped vegetables and herbs and fried the mince. He decided to skip the garlic.

When the food was ready Louis helped him set the table and they sat down to eat. Harry was a little anxious that Louis wouldn't like it but he had nothing to worry about. After his first bite, Louis smiled big and complimented him on the food. They talked through lunch and it wasn't awkward this time. The conversation flooded easily.

They cleared the table together. Harry leaned against the sink and looked at Louis.
"Wanna watch a movie or something?"

"Yeah." Louis smiled.

They headed to the living room and sat down on the sofa. They agreed on a movie. Harry reached for a blanket and draped it over his legs. Louis grabbed it and pulled it over his own legs.
"You don't mind sharing do you?"

"Sharing is caring." Harry smirked.

Louis rolled his eyes at him with a smile before he turned to look at the tv. They watched the movie in silence. Harry noticed that Louis was looking at him and turned his head. They had somehow managed to get closer together on the couch. Louis reached out a hand and touched his hair. He let his fingers slip through it, bouncing a lock before he took his hand down.
"Sorry. I've always wondered how it would feel. It's really soft."

He didn't know what came over him and he leaned in and pressed their lips together without a second thought. He realized what he was doing and was about to pull back when Louis cradled his cheek and kissed him back. This was nothing like their first kiss. It was tender and sweet. Harry gasped in surprise, opening his mouth and Louis deepened the kiss. They let their tongues swirl.

When they needed to come up for air they were both flustered.
"Wow, okay. Beats the first one. Ten times better, hundreds of times better." Louis smirked.

Harry giggled.

They continued to watch the movie but soon they were making out on the couch. Louis was on top and it was getting heated. They were both breathing heavy and their pupils were blown.
"Shit, I think we need to slow down a bit." Louis said and crawled off and sat down in the corner of the couch.

They looked at each other and burst out laughing.
"Hungry? I can make us dinner." Harry suggested when they had calmed down.

"Yeah, I just need a minute, ehm.." Louis said and glanced at his crotch.

They started laughing again. They waited a couple of minutes until they could stand up without sporting a tent and they headed to the kitchen and Harry tried to teach Louis how to cook which made them laugh until they cried and their stomach hurt. Louis really was a disaster in the kitchen.

They ate a lovely meal and kissed some more before Louis had to go home. Harry closed the door behind him and leaned his back against it. He couldn't stop smiling. That had been an unexpected but perfect day.

What happens next?

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