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Suggested by louisxwallz28 supu1224 louhaz281d69 chickenNuggiefetish HermioneLoony lou_infinity andisayawallisawall lauranne369

Karaoke night was a success once again and this time Zayn had a lot to do with it. He came and sat behind the bar to get some privacy. He stayed until they closed. He even helped them to clean up, carrying dirty glasses with Liam.

Harry took care of the karaoke machine when Louis came strolling up to him.
"What do you say Styles? Wanna sing something?"

"With you?" Harry asked.

"Well, yeah?" Louis said and shoved his hands in his pockets.

"Alright, what do you wanna sing?" Harry smiled.

"Ehm...a Beatles song? Can't go wrong with that." Louis suggested.

"You like the Beatles?" Harry questioned.

"Who doesn't?" Louis retorted.

Harry chuckled lightly and thought about it.
"How about something?"

"Great song." Louis smiled.

Harry found it and put it on. Louis gestured for him to start. The rest of the guys came and took a seat to hear them out as soon as the music started. Harry grabbed the microphones and handed one to Louis before he started to sing.

Something in the way he moves
Attracts me like no other lover
Something in the way he woos me
I don't want to leave him now
You know I believe and how

Louis wised up when he realized that Harry had changed the pronounce. He did the same thing as he sang the second verse.

Somewhere in his smile he knows
That I don't need no other lover
Something in his style that shows me
I don't want to leave him now
You know I believe and how

They sang the rest of the song together, their voices blended perfectly and they gazed into each other's eyes, both lost in the moment.

You're asking me will my love grow
I don't know, I don't know
You stick around, now it may show
I don't know, I don't know

Something in the way he knows
And all I have to do is think of him
Something in the things he shows me
I don't want to leave him now
You know I believe and how

Harry's eyes flickered to Louis's lips. They were having an intimate moment and he felt the urge to kiss him but then he remembered that they weren't alone and took a step back.
"Wow! That was awesome guys! You sound great together." Niall said.

"I can't believe all of you are such great singers. I'm not the only one who should have a contract here." Zayn added.

"You haven't heard me sing." Niall smirked.

"He can sing, trust me." Harry said.

Louis put away their microphones and hid a yawn.
"I don't know about you guys, but I'm beat."

"Yeah. I guess we have to get home." Liam replied.

They turned the lights off and locked up.
"I had fun. I'll call you tomorrow H." Zayn said.

"I'm working the whole weekend but I don't start until six. Wanna hang out tomorrow before work?" Harry asked.

"Yeah. See you." Zayn smiled and headed to his car.

Liam let out a happy sigh.
"This is single-handedly the best day of my life. I sang with Zayn! I can't believe it."

"Well, I recorded it for you." Niall smiled.

"You did? Thanks!" Liam beamed.

They all went their separate ways. Harry met up with Zayn the next day. They went to dinner before his shift started. Zayn managed to talk about Liam for twenty minutes straight and he just listened to him ramble with an amused smile on display.
"Do you have to go back to the States on Sunday?"

"Kind of, why?" Zayn wondered.

"We all have the weekend off next week." Harry shrugged.

Zayn's eyes grew wide.
"Really? Okay, you have to set me up with Liam. He's so cute, all shy and adorable."

"You could just ask him out?" Harry said.

"I want it to be casual. Less pressure. You know how the industry works. I'm not exactly out." Zayn sighed.

"Yeah, that must be tough. Okay, so if I get the guys to go out clubbing next Saturday, you'll join us? Does that mean that you're not flying back to L.A?" Harry asked.

"I can stay another week." Zayn decided.

"Right." Harry chuckled. "I'll ask them tonight at work, which speaking of, I have to go."

"Okay. I'll talk to you later. I'm heading to Bradford to see the family." Zayn said.

They hugged goodbye and Harry headed to the bar. He got confused when the first thing that hit him was
Do I wanna know? by the Arctic Monkeys, a band he listened to himself and loved. He looked at his co-workers, trying to work out which one of them actually had good music taste. Niall?
"Okay? Which one of you likes Arctic monkeys?"

Louis looked up.
"Really? Are you gonna trash them as well? I swear to God Harry, your music taste is shit!"

Harry's mouth fell open.
"No way? This is your pick?"

"Did you really think that I only listen to Oasis?" Louis snorted.

"Well yeah...I love this band." Harry replied.

Now it was Louis's turn to look surprised.
"You listen to Arctic monkeys?"

"Why is that such a surprise?" Harry retorted.

Louis crossed his arms over his chest and glared at him suspiciously.
"Name five songs by them."

Harry raised an eyebrow, looking amused. He started to count on his fingers.
"Do I wanna know, Why'd you only call me when you're high, I wanna be yours, Fluorescent adolescent, When the sun goes down."

"That's...even from different albums." Louis said.

"Impressed?" Harry smirked.

"No!" Louis huffed but he was smiling.

"Aaaw, look at you two bonding over music." Niall cooed.

Harry and Louis rolled their eyes simultaneously. Harry started to wipe the floor while he quietly hummed the lyrics to the song. Then he remembered Zayn's request.
"So guys, Zayn decided to stay another week. He was wondering if we all want to go out clubbing with him next Saturday?"

"Yes!" Liam immediately yelled and blushed.

Harry chuckled.
"And you two?"

"Sure." Niall agreed.

"Yeah, I'll join in on the fun." Louis agreed.

Harry smiled. He was looking forward to it.

What happens next?

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