Beth nodded, "Yeah. Besides the bonfire, I don't think anyone's seen you outside of class. We meet for our study group and sometimes see each other outside of school but it's like you cease to exist the moment classes are over. Especially since you don't live in the dorms or with any sorority."

"I met with you guys for the study group last week."

"Well, yeah." Annya said, "But you left the moment it was over and we all ended up going for lunch without you."

"Honestly, you're worse than Annya." Ada chimed in, "I get that you probably wanna keep some things to yourself, but none of us know a single thing about you. I bet this is the first time you've mentioned having a sister to any of us. I don't think any of us even have your number or any way to contact you. Besides sending coded messages in the google doc."

Beth and Annya nodded.

"Well..." I let out a chuckle that sounded anything but easygoing.

They were right.

Sure, I wasn't bullied in Killdrain, I doubt anyone had enough time for that in this school, but I was also doing an awful job of fitting in. Outside the study group, I hadn't made a single friend, and the only reason I was even part of them was because Annya had approached me first.

"Um... today's my birthday...?" I guess that was something to share.

Ada folded her arms, "You're kidding."

I shook my head.

Beth and Annya shared a look, while Ada just stared me down. When I didn't budge, they burst into the happy birthday song, drawing the attention of the rest of the class. I felt my face heat up, and by the time the singing ended, most of the people in the lecture hall had joined in and were wishing me a happy birthday.

Even the lecturer wished me a happy birthday when he returned, having heard the singing from the hallway. The three of them couldn't stop snickering at my, no doubt, very red face throughout the entire thing.

"What was that for?" I asked them after the class was over.

"For not mentioning that it was your birthday sooner."

I shrugged, "It never came up, and it's not that important anyway."

Nothing good's ever happened on my birthday anyway

Beth scoffed, "Birthdays are always important! Unless you're Hitler or some other horrible person."

"Yeah," Ada added, "We could've gotten you a gift or a cake or something."

My chest felt warm and I smiled, "Knowing you guys care is more than enough of a gift."

They burst into coo's and aww's

"Looks like you're really just a big softie under all that seriousness." Annya said, bumping shoulders as we walked across the courtyard.

"Like you're not the exact same way." Ada quipped.

We laughed.

My phone beeped, and I remembered that my day wasn't done.

"We should go out to celebrate." Beth suggested.

An apology bled into my smile, "I'm so sorry guys, but I've still got some things to do this afternoon."

"Will you be free this evening?"

I shrugged. Knowing Hailey, she'd probably want to do something nice for me, but she and the others hadn't made any mention of a party or get together to me or each other, at least not when I was within earshot. They'd barely even been around the past few days.

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