'Kazutora,' I gasped. He lifted me to stand up on my feet when Chifuyu pulled me behind him shielding me from the metaphorical tiger who looked utterly unarmed, harmless and sad. His showing up here seemed strange, or should I say planned.

'What are you doing here Kazutora-Kun?' Chifuyu asked boring holes in Kazutora's face.

'I told him to come.' Baji spoke from the side while leaning on the sidewalk handle.

'Baji-San',' Chifuyu gasped with disbelief. 'After everything, you still trust this bastard?' Now his disbelief was revamping into beaming bitterness. 'After he tried to kill you! And that he almost killed Y/N-chin!'

'Chifuyu,' Baji smirked yet his tone was intense. 'Do you want to get punched for talking too much?'

'Baji-san',' his hands balled into a fist.'This time, even if I have to fight you, I will but this bastard won't come anywhere near her. I WILL FUCKING KILL HIM!'

'Chifuyu,' I whispered before embracing him in my arms. My fingers wrapped around his head with my other hand around his shoulders, while I stood on my tippy toes. 'Calm down, it's okay.' I whispered solemnly while caressing his back that inflated and deflated rapidly. His heartbeat was erratic. Letting go of his body I faced him cupping his face with my tiny palm. 'He doesn't have the balls to do anything to me this time.' I let out a soft chuckle before flicking his forehead.

'Kazutora Hanemaiya,' I turned to face him. 'How are you doing?' My stern voice faded into a soothing tone. 'Haven't seen each other in a while did we.'

His eyes widened hearing every word I spoke while Baji grinned from the corner. 'I know my Y/N like the palm of my hand.' Baji mumbled. Kazutora looked down at his feet, his eyes avoiding mine. I walked closer to get a better view.

'Y/N, I' he stepped back to bow, 'Forgive me!'

'For what?' I asked.

'Eh?' He looked up at me.

'What should I forgive you for? If you ask me to forgive you for almost killing me then don't worry.' I smiled before looking down to the pavement to hide the sinistral expression that drew on my face even at the thought of it. 'But if you are asking for forgiveness for trying to kill Keisuke, don't show me your face again. I don't want to see it.' I turned to walk away.

'Y/N wait, please give me a chance to explain,' Kazutora called. 'I know, no explanation is sufficient for what I did, but this might help you to find what you are looking for.'



I turned to him, 'I will text you the time and location when I'm ready.'



'We came home after the meeting at the shrine. It was quite a meeting. Kisaki taking over Toman is much more than just kids play and the future he has planned is near. He just needs Mikey to fall into darkness for the final trigger. Then what can it be?'

'Hey, what are you thinking big head? Trying to get yourself killed again?' Baji said as he cleaned up after dinner and was putting away the groceries. I sat at the dinner table watching him do so.

'No, I just need a job at this point.'

'For what?'

'For what?' I exclaimed. 'I can't just stay here and eat with you guys. I'm a stranger remember? Plus I don't want Auntie to feel burdened by me.'

'Well, you are not a burden.'

'If you had that little common sense probably you wouldn't repeat 1st year.' I teased helping him put the eggs away.

Y/N Asami Karukawa || Baji × Reader ♥ || Baji Fanfic √√Where stories live. Discover now