Pull The Trigger

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I climbed off Maggie's bus after James parked it in front of the Dawg House. It would be moved inside with Boss's later on. Kolby walked off behind me still grumbling about his brother up and leaving us even as I had laughed about it. I reached over pushing his shoulder making him growl at me.

"Quit ya bitching Ko,'' I snickered raising my arms over my head stretching. He rolled his eyes at me as we fell in step heading down the driveway towards the house where both of our trucks were parked from earlier. I noticed the black Ford sitting in place near the front door making me smile. Those two needed some time together. Kolby was reaching for his keys as we approached when something made the hair on the back of my neck stand up. I couldn't explain it but it was just a feeling. I threw my arm up halting Kolby in his tracks. "Hang on." I tugged my phone out of my pocket seeing a notification for the alarm system that I missed earlier. For some reason the monitor for the back door coming from the kitchen was blinking red. Deciding to go check it out I pointed towards our trucks motioning Kolby towards the garage. "Something isn't right Kolby. Get Chris on the phone then see if you can slip in through the garage."

"PJ," Kolby said with wary eyes. I shook my head before taking off on silent feet as fast as my booted foot would let me around the side of the house. Great time for me to have a broken leg let me tell you. I knew there was a pistol in his truck and even if not Brantley's was parked right there as well and there damn well better be one in it. I eased my shirt up unholstering the one hidden under my shirt. Making my way silently around I noticed the opened kitchen door with broken glass all around it and felt fear in my gut. Surely it was just something random. I eased it open with my foot quietly making my way into the house on silent feet. That is when I heard the voice speaking that sent rage and fear through me.

Guilt slammed into me hard knowing I should have tried to find the asshole. I stilled around the corner watching Lane raise the pistol in his hand with a trembling hand as Brantley stepped closer holding both arms out in challenge. Then I heard the pleading from Maggie as she dropped the secret I knew she was keeping. After she passed out the other week, Kerri and I both drug her to the doctor. Once the test results came in, Maggie swore both of us to secrecy until she figured out what to do. I was willing to bet she was still a little in shock over it especially since the baby daddy couldn't remember his life with her at the moment. I sucked in a deep breath not wanting to give my position away as I lifted my hand steadily aiming on Lane after hearing Maggie's words then watching him level the gun at her. Making a split-second decision, I pulled the trigger the same time I heard another shot and saw a blur out of the corner of my eye.

Kolby ran into the room from the opposite direction with a pistol raised on the ready as I moved closer. The writhing figure on the floor could wait as I slowly stalked by Lane only pausing to kick the gun out of his reach before making my way to Maggie's crumpled form with Brantley stretched out across her. Kolby moved past me grabbing Lane's gun securing it in the back of his jeans before reaching down and knocking him out with a hard right. Sirens were approaching in the distance. I turned meeting Kolby's eyes with a nod. I turned back to the pair at my feet then blood pooling on the ground causing fear to flow through me. Until I heard the words I was not expecting to hear.

"God dammit!" Brantley roared rolling to his back with a groan his eyes closed in pain. "What in the fucking hell is it with my left arm taking all the damn damage here lately!" He slowly sat up raising his good hand up only to pull it back covered in blood. I could see the red circle forming through his white t-shirt. Then his attention turned to the still woman beside him and any pain he may be feeling was forgotten as he crawled over to her tapping Maggie's face. "Mags! Come on baby girl. I need you to wake up for me. I swear I didn't mean to knock you to the floor. I just wanted to get you out of the way." Fear trembled in his voice as he smoothed the hair away from her face. "Come on darlin. I need to see those pretty green eyes and know you are okay. Or sit up and give me hell for not remembering you because God knows I would have to be an idiot to forget. I remember everything baby come on wake up."

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