Do I Know Her Like I Do?

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Kolby's POV

Glancing down at the woman curled up on the small couch beside my chair, I felt my heart break a little for what I still believed would be my future sister-in-law. Brantley always said Maggie completed a half of him he never knew he was missing until he set eyes on her after the CMT Awards a few years ago. He swore she was his sunshine on a cloudy day. How could he not recognize her? I knew what was being said but I didn't have the heart to tell her. Cole was asleep in a chair on the other side of her providing her protection on both sides. I had tried to get her to go to a hotel to rest but she refused to leave.

Swore that B would come to his senses soon. Wish I had her unwavering faith. I mean I did, but I know the glare Brantley gave her earlier after spending hours worrying about him broke her heart. What was happening soon would devastate her. Hopefully, I could convince Cole to get her out of here before that happened. A quiet groan sounded pulling me out of my thoughts making me look down as Maggie's eyes blinked open. I gave her a soft smile when she winced sitting up.

"Darlin," I chuckled shaking my head fighting fatigue myself. "Why don't you let Cole take you to the hotel? Mama got all of us checked in earlier. Get some rest because don't you have to be back on the road soon?"

"I'm not going anywhere," she grumbled smothering a yawn with that stubborn set to her chin. "In fact, I'm about to barge in there and ear tug that man until he remembers exactly who I am."

"Mags," I sighed knowing she could tug those ears all she wanted. It wouldn't jog Brantley's memory. The doctor had explained to me, Mama, and Dad earlier that he may regain his memory in a couple of days, few weeks, or it would never completely return. We were advised to prepare ourselves for that. It was easier for us though. He completely remembered us other than telling Dad he looked old as hell earning him a swat from Mama before she started laughing. Laying a hand on Maggie's shoulder, I made her look at me as I tried to get through to her. It was going to just hurt her even more being here right now. "Honey, keeping busy is going to be the best thing for you right now. Go with Cole and Luke, take care of these couple of tour stops then come home. Maybe he will recognize things better once he gets home."

"So now no one wants me around," Maggie hissed pushing to her feet pacing the area of the waiting room we were in. I sighed shaking my head holding my hands up. So not what I meant. "First him, now you Kolby. Keith and Mama Becky next?"

"Magnolia Skye," I growled lowly making her stop pacing as I pushed to my feet. She narrowed her eyes up at me as I towered over her. Cole woke up catching the exchange between us. I raised my hand letting him know I had it handled. "If he was in his right mind right now he wouldn't want you worrying yourself like you are. Do the tour stops and come home."

"If he even wants me there,'' she snapped. "Remember he has no idea who I am Ko! Am I going to lose my home again? I mean leaving Nashville after the shit with Lane and...."

"We will figure it out,'' I assured her gently. "I doubt Brantley will kick you out, honey. Just let's take the time to figure things out okay."

"Fine," she sighed nodding her head and wiping at the tears on her face. Footsteps pulled her attention and her eyes widened making me know that Aaron was back from the airport. I swallowed deeply with regret seeing the devastation in Maggie's eyes noticing who was walking with Aaron. "Are you fucking kidding me? Please tell me I am seeing things, Kolby."

"There is a reason Mags," I sighed laying my hands on top of her shoulders nodding at Cole as she broke down. "He thinks it is 2013 sweetheart. It is not what you think."

"I just bet it isn't," she growled in between sobs shooting daggers at Aaron who hung his head sheepishly before guiding the woman beside him down the hall. "I really am just losing everything aren't I?"

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