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Maggie's POV

I took a sip of the warm tea in my hand sighing yet again looking out my bus window. Hopefully, it would help me sleep. Two weeks since the accident and I was pretty much running on fumes. Kerri had deemed Alec my shadow since finding out about the text messages. There was no way in hell this was Lane. He wouldn't be that stupid. Brantley had almost killed him the last time he even looked my way. Regardless of whether he regained his memory or not deep down, I felt it would still be the same.

I shivered thinking of the murder in his eyes I'd seen through a haze of pain while he held the unloaded gun to Lane's head. Part of the reason now he had made sure I carried a pistol with me if I was alone just in case. I felt like a part of me was missing and completely out of my reach. He had made me so damn mad the other night with his comment. Probably should have smacked him just for good measure right then and there. My phone beeping pulled my attention to it sitting on the couch beside me. My eyes widened seeing the message.

Brantley: So, I bit the bullet asking for your number. Had to promise PJ I would apologize for being a dick. I really am sorry for that comment. Without explaining really why they all let me know I was out of line.

I studied the message for a moment seriously debating leaving him on READ but I also had missed talking to him so a little was better than nothing.

Maggie: Apology accepted. Next time I am tugging your ear.

Brantley: You have been around my mama way too much if that is your go-to. Still going to answer my questions?

Maggie: Fine. One at a time remember.

Brantley: What is Cole to you? I know what people say. I get what the press is trying to say right now but I want to hear it from you.

I sighed knowing it was a fair question. Kerri and Aaron had gone on record for us addressing the pictures the other day. But it still didn't squash the rumors of why I was still on the road right after his accident. I bit my lip then started typing back.

Maggie: Cole is my person. He is the big brother I wasn't blessed with growing up. We met through songwriting after I moved to Nashville and became friends. Before you came along, he was my protector with some of the shit my ex put me through. Why I got so mad about your comment last night. I get you don't really know right now, but the Brantley I know understood our friendship was never a threat to our relationship.

Brantley: What PJ tried to gently remind me after you stormed out telling me I was out of line because y'all are nothing more than friends. That it was Cole and Luke that got you to the hospital after my accident. Glad you have such good friends.

The next night I walked off stage taking the bottle of water handed to me. Kerri passed me my phone with a twinkle in her eyes letting me know I had a few messages on my phone. She had taken to checking at least who they were from but nothing more since the one I received the other night setting PJ off. But the look in her eye let me know I had one from Brantley.

Brantley: So, Kolby sent me a YouTube link for one of your songs earlier. Woman, you blew me away with the powerhouse your voice is. Artist to artist, you are amazing. That being said, ever write any songs about me?

I blushed reading his words heading to my dressing room to grab a shower before meet and greets. Cole shot me a wink jogging down the hall to get in place for his set. He had grinned earlier today when I told him B and I were talking through texts. I pulled up a YouTube link for the lyrics to "The Good Ones" sending it to him. When I got out of the shower a bit later, I had a reply from him. I flipped my ponytail out of the way to keep it from getting wet and wrapped the towel around me unlocking my phone to see what he said. I remembered how nervous I had been the first time he ever listened to it even though I didn't record it.

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