Play Me That Song

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Brantley's POV

I felt my leg nervously bounce up and down as Kolby drove my truck through traffic headed to Athens. Jesse and Aaron were in the backseat talking quietly about some song we were working on before the accident. Stupid jumbled up brain. Maggie was playing the Georgia Theater tonight and Aaron casually suggested it may be a good thing to put in an appearance. Help quiet some of the rumors flying around about us since they were keeping my memory loss under wraps. I was nervous as hell at seeing Maggie. Whether through text message or the occasional FaceTime we had talked consistently for the last two weeks.

While she claimed she was sleeping a little better, I could still see the circles under her eyes when she wasn't wearing makeup. I know everything going on kept her up but there was something else bugging her that I couldn't get her to share. I'd finally slept at the house the other night tired of spending time with PJ and Kolby honestly. Told them all I would be fine I was a grown damn man. I'd tossed and turned most of the night trying to get comfortable with my arm but there was the feeling of being alone too. Like I was missing something. Wouldn't admit I had finally slept peacefully after curling up with the pillow that smelled like Maggie.

"Nervous?" Kolby asked me switching on the turn signal catching my eye out of the corner of his. I shrugged absently trying to play it off. "It's okay to be nervous B. First time to have eyes on you like that in about a month. I'm sure it will be fine."

"Only one set of eyes that is worrying me," I mumbled grabbing my cigarettes lighting one and rolling down the window. "It bad that I feel like I barely know Maggie then know everything about her at the same time."

"No," Kolby said with a chuckle giving me a reassuring smile. Lord how times had changed. It used to be him coming to me for advice and here the tables were turned. He parked the truck looking in the rearview mirror at Jesse and Aaron to give us a minute. They climbed out heading across the parking lot. "Look B, while your memories are shot to hell right now, you have still been drawn to her. Trust that. You told me she has answered your questions truthfully right?"

"Yes she has," I mumbled taking a final drag off my cigarette then flicking it out the window before rolling it up. "I've learned a lot about her I didn't know. Ah hell or I guess I did but forgot it or whatever. I keep waiting on her to realize what an asshole I am and run the other way."

"Sorry bro," Kolby said with a booming laugh. "That ship sailed a while ago. If she hasn't murdered your stubborn ass in your sleep by now she never will. She puts you in your place. Believe me you may be an asshole but you are her asshole."

"So Mama tells me," I chuckled feeling a little lighter now. I gave him quick smile opening the truck door stepping into the night. What they all didn't know was I had cheated a tad researching videos or news articles pertaining to me and Maggie. The look on my face looking down at her on the red carpet was not fake I knew that. Talking to her lately showed me the truth that I couldn't remember and that was that I was thoroughly besotted with the woman. A couple fans making their way to the side of the building saw me letting out a scream. I increased my pace to the back door. "Yep, we better hurry Ko."

A little while later I was settled on a stool at the side of the stage watching Maggie singing her heart out. God she was amazing. Tendrils of memories were tugging at the edges just hearing her voice but I shook them off just wanting to be lost in the moment listening to her. All that soul and voice packed into that little woman. Not to mention the tight jeans she was wearing doing all sorts of things to my imagination. PJ was sitting on a stool on the other side of the stage watching Maggie closely and the crowd. Kerri, her manager was close by talking to him. He had flown out the other day at the request of Alec who was on the road with Maggie.

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