Life Goes On...Or Does It? : Part II

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Maggie's POV

With a sigh I towel dried off after grabbing a quick shower from being on stage with Luke to close out the night. I glanced over to my phone resting on the counter frowning that Brantley hadn't sent me a message to let me know that they had made it. They really were only a couple of hours out when I was about to go on stage. Walking into my bedroom grabbing leggings and a t-shirt to relax in before I crashed after we got on the road, I jumped when my phone rang. I grabbed it expecting it to be Brantley but couldn't keep in the sigh seeing it was a FaceTime request from Nana Rose. I loved the woman dearly, but I was tired after getting readjusted to being back on the road. Sliding my finger across the screen I answered it knowing I had no choice. I forced a bright smile on my face.

"Hey Nana," I said letting out a chuckle at the red satin nightgown peeping out of her housecoat. I swear that woman kept the entire family on their toes. She terrorized the hell out of my future brother-in-law much to his mama's delight. I arched an eyebrow sitting my phone down to towel dry my hair. "Nice outfit."

"Thank you Maggie honey," she said preening a little bit. "I bought it to send pictures to my new boyfriend. Think he will like it? Maybe I should have sent them to Cole or BG to get a man's opinion."

"Nah Nana," I said rolling my eyes, but an evil idea came to mind. I grinned at her with mischief in my eyes. "Send them to Kolby. He really has the expert opinion of the guys."

"Will do sugar," Nana said with a cackle. I sat cross-legged on the bed starting to braid my hair to keep it out of my way. "Anyways sweetheart, I had a reason for calling."

"Nana," I sighed shaking my head at her. "You know Mama said no to you going on tour with either of us right now. You are still doing a little bit of therapy after that fall and...."

"I brought your mama into this world Magnolia Skye Summers soon to be Gilbert," she growled making me bite my lip to keep from laughing. "I can take her out of it. But that is not what I called for. I actually met a man at physical therapy, so I am good with not going right now. No, I wanted to run my idea of what I want to do for my seventy-fifth birthday by you before I book it. It is going to be so much fun!"

"What have you come up with Nana?" I sighed resisting the urge to roll my eyes. Last year she mentioned going to swim with the sharks to which Brantley promptly told her hell to the no even though Daddy laughed saying "go first son". We ended up taking her to the beach for a week just not to swim with the sharks. No doubt she was aiming to top that request this year. "This should be interesting."

"Well," she said with a grin that I almost worried was evil. "We will be staying close to home actually. Well for some of us. Be great if you, BG, Cole, Kolby, and maybe PJ could come in. I checked tour schedules are no one has a show since it is a Wednesday. I have to call the lady back tomorrow to secure the deposit. But oh Maggie honey, this is going to be so much fun. There is this amazing tour home in Vicksburg, and you know how much I love Vicksburg sweetheart."

"Nana," I laughed flopping back on my bed holding the phone over my head seeing her grin widen. "You love taking the hour drive to Vicksburg because of the casinos. So, I am going to ask because I know you, what is the catch?"

"Fine," she sighed giving me a wink. "This place does haunted tours because of the haunted history. It is called McRaven House. They do the tour and if you want you can book a private ghost investigation. I have us set up for that! Won't it be a blast?"

"Nana," I gasped feeling myself turn pale. "You want to go talk to dead people, really? Nana, BG is scared of snakes, sharks, and commitment. I am pretty sure we can add ghosts to that list too. He won't go for it."

"But you need to meet Mary Elizabeth!" Nana said poking her lip out. I narrowed my eyes in question waiting on her to fess up. "Her spirit is still there. Stories go is she was fifteen when she passed away after childbirth and she loves the children and pregnant women who come through. Maybe she will notice you are pregnant."

"I am NOT pregnant Nana!" I yelped sitting up fast shaking my head. "We haven't even gotten married yet. Brantley and I both are in the middle of tours as well as album promotions. We don't even have time to set a wedding date let alone to raise a kid!"

"Damn, I thought those would have worked...." Nana muttered before trailing off as I growled. "Anyways honey! I love you! Call me soon!"

"Nana," I hissed between clenched teeth no doubt suspecting her up to no good when she disconnected the call. I fell back on the bed with a sigh not even having the slightest idea what she meant. Then I thought about her birthday plans knowing I would have to bribe the guys to convince him to go. I was sure Dad would sneak in a flask for this. Mama would have to be bribed with a case of the good wine but who knows it may be an interesting trip. No doubt Brantley and PJ would gang up on Kolby trying to terrify him. Cole would be easy. He and I fought over the blanket to cover our eyes with when watching scary movies. I looked at the time on my phone wondering why I had not heard from Brantley yet. With a shrug, I clicked on his contact number only to frown when it went straight to voicemail. I was about to dial PJ when I heard footsteps on my bus then heard Cole's voice call for me. I climbed off the bed making my way up front. I studied him and what appeared to be a worried Luke standing right behind him. "What's up y'all?"

"Mags,'' Cole said stepping closer to me making Luke pale when his phone buzzed in his hand. Cole laid both hands on my shoulders looking at me intently. "Honey...."

"Spit it out Colden Rainey!" I snapped feeling fear course through my veins. I had just got off the phone with Nana. She was fine. If something had been wrong with Daddy or Mama she would have told me. I felt my stomach drop to the floor feeling tears well in my eyes. "Cole....."

"Sweetheart," Luke said softly taking a few steps closer. Cole tugged me to him wrapping his arms around me as the words I dreaded came out. "There was an accident. BG's bus was involved. I don't know any more details past that. We need to get to the airport now. Kerri has a plane waiting to take us to Kentucky. PJ, Jesse, and Ben are in the ER being treated for minor bumps and bruises. So is Earl. But BG is in surgery right now honey. We should get there by the time he is in recovery if we leave right now."

"Cole," I choked out before the sobs took over. He grabbed my purse off the counter turning towards the door. I knew logically I should grab clothes. Hell, even shoes but nothing was registering. Luke shoved my UGGs by the couch at me while Cole draped my jacket around my shoulders. I looked at both of them after slipping my shoes on and stepping into the cold night air. Tears were falling unchecked down my face. "He is going to be okay right?"

"It's BG,'' Cole said reassuringly guiding me towards the waiting SUV. "He is tough as nails. He will probably be sitting up and arguing with the doctor by the time we get there darlin. Have a little faith."

As well pulled through the dark night rushing to the airport, I silently prayed he was right. 

Will he be okay??????

Side note I was kind of excited to incorporate my summer job into this part of the story.  Be sure to check out McRaven Tour Home. It has been featured on Ghost Adventures. And if the Mississippi area, come take a tour from me 😉

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