Uncertainty In The Air

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Brantley's POV

Taking the back roads to the house from Athens, I tried to settle my nerves. Lord help me if someone could read my mind right now they would probably laugh. Gone, at least on the inside, was the man people normally saw when they looked at me. No, this one was nervous as hell about the woman sitting in the passenger seat of my truck with the moonlight highlighting her tan skin. I wanted to cuss until I didn't have any breath left at the fact I couldn't remember my life with her. She was beyond amazing and after starting to get to know her I regretted my actions in the hospital that night. The look of utter devastation in her eyes that night haunted me. She'd been so upset when I yelled at her because I didn't recognize her.

Part of me wondered if my heart recognized her even when my mind didn't. Was that even possible? How bad was I going to mess this up was the question? A soft hand laying on my arm stilling the fingers on my good hand that were idly drumming while I drove. Right now I was hating the stupid cast on my arm right now keeping me from driving with my left while using my other to hold Maggie's hand. I turned my head meeting the curious eyes watching me closely.

"B?" she asked softly while shifting to lean against the console making the neck of her shirt slip a touch giving me a glimpse of the top of her breasts. I jerked my head up to not make it obvious I was truthfully wanting to stare. "Are you okay?"

"Fuckin perfect," I grumbled through clenched teeth mentally berating myself for assuming Maggie meant something when she asked me to take her home. I mean yea, we did live in the same house technically, she could have meant give her a ride to the house and we go our separate ways. Hell here I was thinking with my lower brain with a good chance I was about to get myself in trouble. I let out a low growl in frustration making Maggie giggle. I cut my eyes towards her seeing a grin teasing at her full lips. "What is so damn funny?"

"B?" she asked with innocence and mischief twinkling in her green eyes. "Are you okay? You seem nervous or something."

"I'm just great," I sighed wishing again that I could smoke a cigarette and drive right now but nooo I had to break my stupid fucking arm. I had an itch right now that no cigarette could cure but no fucking clue what I was doing in a lot of ways. Deciding honesty was the best policy because lets face it, I was probably sleeping alone anyways so why not go for broke. I glanced over at Maggie licking my lips seeing her eyes flare wide. Okay, maybe I haven't read her wrong. "Want me to be completely honest?" She nodded her head making chestnut hair swirl around her that I was betting felt like silk. I blew out a deep breath before speaking. "I'm nervous ...okay."

"Of?" Maggie asked puzzlement on her face then it clicked for her a teasing smile spread across her lips. The next words out of her mouth would possibly end up with my hand across her ass for the comment. "Why Brantley Keith? Or you worried you have forgotten how?"

"Fuck no," I growled through clenched teeth making that smile on her lips widen. I hit my blinker turning onto our road realizing we were almost home. Almost had this beautiful woman close enough that maybe I could get her in my bed. I closed my eyes wincing. Dammit there I go again thinking with my lower brain which ninety percent of the time got me into trouble. A quiet giggle slipped from Maggie making me open my eyes glaring at her as I turned into the driveway. "I still know how to make a woman scream darlin, rest assured of that." Her eyes flared wide with arousal at my words while I paused to hit the button to open the gates before pulling onto the driveway. I was feeling vulnerable as hell which was pissing me off. "I just don't remember how things were with you. Do I remember what you like? Where were we the first time we slept together? I mean...."

Maggie's POV

I listened intently as Brantley stopped the truck in front of the house putting it in park and leaning his head on the steering wheel. My heart ached for him as much as my body did. The internal war visibly raging through him was heartbreaking because I was so used to the swagger with a touch of goofiness. I missed the crazy ways he would try to make me smile on a bad day or sang me to sleep the nights nightmares became too much and we were miles or states apart. I leaned closer laying a hand on his arm making his head turn peeking at me under his arm. Even in the dim glow of the dash lights I could make out the hesitancy there so I decided to go for honesty instead of charm.

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