Trying to cheat death

Start from the beginning

In the lighthouse the lights were brighter than the ones on the ark. I followed the shouting through the pristine hall and into another room. "Wow" I paused to gawk at the room. It was a huge lab. A railing separated this floor from the open room below. The ceiling was tall enough for a rocket-like ship to be standing straight up. Everything was high tech.

I hurried down the metal stairs to where Clarke was with the commander. They'd found a hospital bed to lay her on. Bellamy and the others were searching around for supplies. "I don't know, okay? We didn't exactly snoop around for medical supplies" Murphy yelled from somewhere else in the room.

"She's going to need more blood to replace what she's lost" I said checking her vitals now that she won't be moved again.

"Right except her blood is black and we don't have any nightbloods here. We should have brought Aden with us" Clarke rubbed her head stressed.

Taking the stethoscope out of my ears and wrapping it around my neck. "No changing now, we're going to have to find away to make a synthetic nightblood" I said. Clarke looked at me alarmed. "People don't just start having babies with black blood. Somehow there was a patient zero and something had to have turned their blood black. Murphy said this place was owned by a scientist who knew about the city of light? See what you can find, I'll do what I can to get her stable" I rambled out my thoughts. It was a long shot but it's the only thing we've got. We couldn't do surgery without more blood.

Clarke went to help search the lab. Emori cautiously walked over to set what she had found on a nearby table. "This is great thank you" I said to her. She didn't response only slowly backed away. Sporadically everyone brought over more supplies. Murphy wheeled a heart monitor out from a closet. I hooked up the wires to her chest and watched as it picked up her pulse.

Pulling on a pair of gloves I looked through the medicine on the side table. "Yes" I mumbled to myself finding a pain medication. Holding a syringe in my hand I leaned over the commander. "This is going to take the pain away for a little while" I said. Then I carefully injected it into her vein. Her fingers twitched as I did.

The bandages on her abdomen need to be replaced. They were soaked in her blood. Peeling off the top layer I carefully removed the rest of gauze. As it began to bleed again I repacked it with clean gauze. Then I taped a clean bandage on top. Her pulse evened out slightly but isn't where it needs to be for her to be considered stable.

"How the hell are we going to do that?" I heard Bellamy from across the room. Him and the others are gathered together around one of the tables.

Raven held up an old journal I don't remember seeing her having. "I'm just saying that is what Becca wrote in her book. We could find away to simulate zero gravity without going to space. This ship back here isn't going any where without some work anyways" she explained giving Bellamy a look.

Turning back to the monitor I watched the heartbeat for a few more minutes as they continued to talk. The clink of metal hitting the floor caught my attention. Murphy was standing there with two metal chairs. He pushed one towards me, "you're tired" his tone the usual uninterested one.

With a sigh I took his offered chair. I am tired and hungry but it can wait. Sirus would be glad to know I was off my feet though. He paid close attention to my health even though I was the doctor.

"You think the commander will live?" He asked having sat down on the other side of the bed. He looked curiously at the heart monitor. Murphy was interesting despite how he tried to portray himself. He wanted to live, he cares about Freya, he clearly cares about Emori. He reminds me of my best friend, a survivor.

"We're going to be certain we tried everything" I said. He nodded falling quiet. "They have anything figured out?" I asked referring to the rest of the group.

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