Trying to cheat death

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Taking the stairs two at a time it took minutes to get to my destined floor. I need to talk to Freya and make sure she will be alright for the night. There's a chance that the commander could still be alive. I was able to remove the whole bullet without it breaking apart. Then Clarke and I packed the wound. Her breathing was shallow and hard to notice but it was there. We just need to get her to the lighthouse Murphy and Emory found, where we can get a handle on any extensive internal damage.

Outside the room I sighed setting my hand on the handle. I'd never seen Freya as happy as she was with the commander. I can't give her the false hope of her living through this incase she doesn't. She would have to go through this pain from the start all over again. And I'm afraid it might truly break my best friend. She couldn't even bring herself to breathe as the commander was taken away, I had to give her CPR.

Stepping into the room I closed the door softly as not to startle Freya. My eyes searched the room for her, finding her on the bed. She was laying next to the black stain left from the blood. She was staring at the blanket and the dried blood on her hands.

I walked across the floor to sit next to the bed were she could see me in her line of sight. Indra had the bodies of the guards she killed removed. One of them barely recognizable. Freya made no move to acknowledge me. Her eyes were red from crying. "Freya" I called in a soft calm voice. No reaction. She was shutting down like she use to when her father was alive. Except this is worse. "I know you're not doing alright so I won't ask. You love her" I said reaching to put my hand on the bed near her.

Freya silently pulled the blanket closer to her chest, away from my hand.

"Will you try to sleep? Maybe eat something?" I asked but didn't expect a response. And I didn't get a verbal one. A single tear slipped down her face on to the blanket. It hurt seeing her in this state, Freya has always been in control of her emotions. She rarely let anyone see.

The only way to possibly make this better is to save the life of the woman she loves. Sitting up on my knees I pressed my hands into the bed, "Freya, I have to go but I will be back." She blinked slowly showing no sign that my words registered with her. "Octavia will be here to keep you company, get you anything you need. I wish you didn't have to feel this way" I said lightly squeezing her leg. Sparing her one more glance from the door before I exited she didn't move a muscle.

"Everything go according to plan?" I panted after running straight here from the tower. At the back of Polis behind the tower where the wall has small covered doors for hunting parties to go out, Raven was waiting with the rover. Sirus met me as I approached the group. His hood was still up from his portion of the plan, get the commander to the rover. Besides that Bellamy and Murphy had the most difficult part of the plan, replace the body with another wrapped in cloth.

"Yes, we have her" Sirus whispered in my ear as he hugged me gently. "How are you feeling, darling?" his concern showing.

"As good as I can be when my best friend is struggling" I told him. I squeezed him a little longer, then we had to separate. We have to get moving if we don't want to get caught with the commanders 'dead' body. Sirus looked at me still concerned. "I don't feel sick anymore, I'm okay" I said. He nodded moving his hand to my lower back and guiding me over to the others.

Bellamy and Octavia were waiting at the back of the rover. "We have to go" Bellamy said, his arms crossed over his chest.

"I'm ready" I said to him. He turned to Octavia to talk quickly. "Are you sure you know where to find Lincoln?" I asked Sirus.

"Absolutely, once I get to him we are coming directly to polis. We'll be here waiting for you all" he said. He hugged me gently again. Then he kissed my head and my lips. "Be careful and get some rest as soon as you are able" he said his eyes full of concern and care.

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