Chapter 28

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She looked so different, she was all grown up now" hello my dear sister" she said smiling, I almost cried tears of joy upon seeing her"Alyssa, I've missed you so much!" I put down the melting candle and ran hugging her.

" I've missed you to sis, you've grown a lot, how tall are you 5'4" she joked" no I am 5'9 thank you!" I said playfully hitting her as she laughed" so where have you been, ever since momma and poppa took you away I've been searching for you, sending out signals hoping you had gotten them"

She nodded" yes, I've gotten your signals and we're so happy you were alive. I had given up hope that you were alive, you were my last hope of getting out of that horrible place" She said hugging me

" It's gonna be okay now, you can come with us, we can be a family again and you can meet my girlfriend" I said smiling, I was so Happy I started crying" hey, why are you crying" she said softly" I'm just so happy, momma and poppa took you away from them and refused to let me go see you, but their gone now so we can live happily again sis" I looked up at her smiling.

" What exactly happened to mom and dad, not that I care just curious" Alyssa asked" I killed them, but before I did I made them confess everything they did on a hidden audio recording, so everyone outside could hear everything inside"

I explained to her as she lifted her hand and the dimension began to crumble and we were in the real world again, and as soon as she did there were footsteps running up the stairs, I saw that fimilliar long black and red hair and I knew it was my beloved Veliona.

She put her hands on her knees as she was out of breath" damn, you really need to work out" I said bluntly" my body is amazing thank you, I just don't run much" she said between breaths" but don't try and change the subject! I was so worried about you!" She yelled hugging me

"I'm sorry hunny I couldn't let you get hurt"I said rubbing her back"were you scared" she mumbled" yeah but I composed myself like the amazing girlfriend that I am!" I said proudly and she giggled a bit before screaming as I picked her up and held her over my shoulder while walking" hey put me down!"

She screamed" so sis this is my girlfriend who begs for it" I said I Introducing her" I do not!" Veliona yelled" that's not what you said last night, you said and I quote" harder Ayla harder please!~" I mocked and my sister almost choked on her spit.

"Why do you always have to embarrass me like that" Veliona mumbled" well this is a weird Introduction" my sister finally said" who the hell are you" Veliona mumbled" I'm Alyssa, Arya's sister" Alyssa introduced" I'm Veliona, this little idiots girlfriend" she said in a bored tone of voice" I wasn't an idiot last night" I said with a smirk and she flipped me off"fuck you"

She said" gladly, but I was the fucking you last night-" she put her hand over my mouth" shut your mouth or I will shut it for you" she said in a stern tone. We walked down the stairs, Seele getting up"are you all alright, and who is that?" Seele asked and Kiana got up and Mei followed her" this is my sister, you all get aquanted"

I said, and carried Veliona to a room, put her down and started making out with her"w-wait" she said and I stopped kissing her"you should be hanging out with your sister, we can do this later okay" she said pushing me away a bit, her eyes looking dazed a bit but she usually always looked like she was in thought so I ignored it.

" Alright, let's go okay" I opened the door and we walked but Veliona was a bit slow behind me" I'm going to go use the bathroom okay, you go on" I nodded and walked downstairs.

15 minutes later

Veliona came back, but was holding onto stuff like she was keeping her balance. She sat in front of me on my lap, she was burning up" i don't feel good" she mumbled in my shoulder, I felt her forehead and she was burning up" hey can we go to a guest room" Seele nodded and I picked Veliona up.

And started walking upstairs with her and laid her down, she immediately wrapped herself in covers, shivering" lift your arms" I said and she got up and lifted her arms and I put one of my warm black baggy hoddies on her.

"I'm gonna go get some cold water and a cloth okay" I said and she laid down hugging the covers.

I got the cold water and added some ice to it so she wouldn't be cold, I got a cloth to.
I walked back into the room, I ring out the cloth putting it on her head" thank you" she said in a tired voice and a smile.

"You get some rest, I love you hunny, I know I don't say it enough" I said kissing her forehead" if you need me I'll be next door", she nodded and I closed the door going over to the guest room" sis stop stalking me" I said looking behind me.

My sister came out of a corner with a nervous smile" I'm really bad at hiding aren't I" I nodded and turned the non" wait, I think there is something Veliona isn't telling you" Alyssa said" like what, what isn't she telling me"

I asked" that's for her to tell you, I just thought I'd let you know. It's not my place to tell you something like that" she bowed and walked off. I was so concerned, what wasn't she telling me, I shook it off for now and turned the door knob and walked inside, getting under the covers and falling alseep.

Niece, the seed that was since planted has finally sprouted

Good work, so how is B-526

I have her wrapped around my finger

Good, just keep going for a little longer, I'm going to keep master at bay while you find out everything about them

Alright, goodbye niece, I will get back to you when I have another update...

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