Chapter 21

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After that day, we became friends with benefits. We would act like a couple half the time and make out whenever we were alone because Seele gave me sessions when I can control the body and be out.

My feelings for her grew, and I yearned for her, I would even be so overprotective of her that I would steal her away sometimes to go make out in a corner. That's all we would do, I wanted more but was to afraid to ask.

It seems she caught on because she started acting more and more like my girlfriend and being sweet to me when nobody was around. Even going as far to say 'I love you' I wanted this to be a real relationship.

But I couldn't bring myself to and ended up breaking down most nights because of the stress, me and Seele didn't even talk much anymore, I never allowed her in here to see me like this. But one night when I was crying and Arya caught me" hey hunny what's wrong" Arya said putting me on her lap and holding my waist.

I hugged her by her neck, not answering her. I needed her right now, I didn't ever want her to go away"don't leave, please don't leave" I begged"oh hunny don't worry I'm not going anywhere, do you wanna tell me what's wrong" I shook my head against her shoulder.

"It's alright, you don't have to tell me now"She cuddled me as I cried, when I finally stopped crying I fell asleep.

And a few weeks after this we became an official couple, I mean you all already know what happened.

Flashback end

"I know, but I don't want you to go" I mumbled"I have to take care of something with my parents, I'll come back I promise" she said and I started tearing up, why was I so soft around her" hey hunny don't cry, I will let you come with me okay"

I looked up at her and she had a soft smile on her face, it's hard to believe she barely has any sanity. I mean she didn't when she first met me, maybe she's holding something back to protect me"you'll really let me go with you, but who's gonna protect Seele"

I asked and she snapped her fingers" what did you do?" I asked"she's got protection don't worry" I sat up and got off the bed, kind of excited to see where she was born" alright, hold my hand, you may feel a bit sick because your not used to my world but don't worry It will go away"

I nodded and as soon as I blinked we were in a world with a red sky and people all over robing banks and using their powers and killing people. There was blood everywhere and people dying left and right.

"So this is where I live" I looked up at her and she was biting her lip hard" are you okay" she nodded and held my hand and walked towards this giant castle with grafitti all over it.

" I fucking hate these people, but don't worry we won't have to deal with them for much longer" she said bitting her nail with a smile" what are you going to do?" I questioned and she giggled creepily opening the large doors"wait outside okay hunny"

She said with a smile, that fimilliar smile...she was about to do something horrifying wasn't she.

Soon the doors closed when I finally snapped out of my trance and I tried to open the door but it wouldn't budge"baby! Don't do anything drastic okay!" I yelled but she didn't respond.

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