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You and Druella were in Potions with Professor Slughorn. He seemed to know what he was teaching as he went around the room, explaining the purpose of various liquids. A group of Gryffindors were visible in the classroom, since the sixth year Slytherin's had to share this class with them. All of the students were gathered by the wall, watching Slughorn describing the properties in the cauldrons and vials. He paced back and forth in front of the potions on the table, waving an arm to whichever one he was defining.

You would've been paying attention, but there was a distraction nearby. A cauldron was filled with a shimmery substance, which emitted familiar and comforting scents. You detected leather, parchment, vanilla and strangely the fabric from one of Tom's sweaters. It was the same one he had given you during your first date in Hogsmeade as well. He often lent it to you for a day or two; it was your favourite one of his.You weren't sure why exactly the liquid had Tom's essence in it, but you found your attention wavering just with the subject of him in your mind. You could practically feel the familiar fabric lingering under your nose.

He had no reason to be so damn intoxicating.

Just as Slughorn began to move to the Tom-scented cauldron beside you, the
classroom door swung open. Tom himself was seen entering inside, withCygnus trailing behind. Tom's eyes flashed with recognition as theypassed over you, accompanied with a broad grin that was specially designed for you. He then shifted his gaze over to the professor, who had been brightly beaming at him.  "Ah, Mr Riddle! I was beginning to worry." Slughorn exclaimed at the sight of his favourite student, clasping his hands together, "We were just getting started!""Sorry sir, we lost the track of time... We both were busy in the library as our previous one was a free period..." Tom talked. "It's ok now get going to your desk." Slughorn glimmered. He then turned back to the rest of the class, "Now, who can tell me what the purpose of this potion is? Anyone?"

He directed towards the cauldron that you had been dwelling over during the past five minutes, eagerly looking amongst the students.

"It's Amortentia!" You answered brightly, almost instantly after the words left Slughorn's mouth, "It's the most powerful love potion in the world. It's rumoured to smell differently to each of us, according to what attracts us." Tom answered.

After hearing Tom's response, you realized why the potion reminded you of Tom. No, you had a lot of potions in your home but never came across this one... Your father too never educated you anything about it.

You were attracted to him of course. Though that term was a clear understatement.

The scent provided you with some feeling of solace and reassurance; there was nothing in it that resembled your fears and terrors.

Just calm, an amenity which you could bask in all day.

"...For example, I can smell freshly mown grass and new parchment and-" Druella stopped immediately, her eyes widening as she stared down at the potion.

Slughorn paid no attention to her abrupt pause and swooped in to elaborate more on her words.

As he began to speak, you looked beside you at Tom to see whether he had detected the scent of the Amortentia, wondering if it was you that endured in his mind.

You didn't even need to ask; his expression told all.

His face was a light shade of blush with each glance he cast towards the potion.

A somewhat woozy, lopsided smile was visible upon his lips, as his tongue ran through the inside of his cheek.

Tom seemed giddier and more excited as his gaze flickered from the substance, then up to you several times, as if ensuring that it was you it reminded him of and no one else.

Love | Tom Riddle x ReaderDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora