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“Make sure you marry someone who laughs at the same things you do.”
— J.D. Salinger

You always thought Tom always had a desire for you. But you always had a suspicion. Why did he save you when you were enemies? Why would he care for you? Why would he befriend you when you were being so sarcastic and rude to him? Did he really love you? Or was it his manipulation to trick you so he can achieve his goals? You heard a faint knock on the door. "Hey, it's me." You heard a faint voice of your best friend Druella.

You got up, quickly wiped your tears and went to open the door.

Druella's Pov

The door quickly opened as Druella saw the girl right in front of her. Her tear stained face looking at her, her lips twitching upwards. "Can I come in?" Druella whispered. Y/n nodded and went towards her bed. Druella entered and closed the door. "Weren't you supposed to be with Cygnus?" "Yeah, I was feeling a tad bit of drained. Cygnus noticed it and dropped me to my dorm. But I wanted to make sure if you're alright."

"Yeah, I'm alright..." Y/n trailed off.  "You don't look alright." Y/n sighed. 'Fuck, she always knows when lie!' Y/n thought. "I don't know it's just I have some doubts about him." "What doubts, dearie tell me!" "What if he never fancied me?---" "No, no , no Y/n, he fancies you! I---" "Just hear me out! Why did he save me when we were enemies? Why would he care for
me? Why would he befriend me when I  were being so sarcastic and rude to him?"

Druella kept quiet. "See, Druella... He Just doesn't love me!" "He does!! Y/n he just doesn't want to show it!" "How do you know?!" "......" "See, you don't even if he loves me or not!" " I have to go..." Druella trailed off, she jogs towards the door and when she opens it she and Y/n sees Tom. "Excuse me." Druella said and went towards her dorm.

Y/n's POV

You looked at your bedstand and said, "Pathetic isn't it right? You used me and now you're here in our dorm. I gave you everything you wanted. Gave every piece of me. I don't want love that I can't afford! I just wanted you to love me for free."

"Can't you see?! I'm getting bored!! You assume all these things!! I love you!! Okay!! I always did." Your head shot up. "What?! How you always told me you can't love!! How am I supposed to believe you!!" "Y/n Merlin Wyllt I was and will always be in love you!! You never going to trust me!!" "Tom- I-" "Don't ever talk to me again!" You kept your head down and there were tears slipping through your eyes. "Y/n, I didn't mean to shout at you. I'm so sorry." He went towards you and knelt down to in front of you.

"I'm so sorry to assume that!! I'm nothing but a pain in your arse!" "Y/n, don't you're enough for me! I'm sorry for ignoring you past those years!! It's because I had a desire for you!! I wanted to be distant to you so I could achieve my goals!! You were the one who was blocking them! I don't know what it is but I indeed love you!" He said.

You were searching in his green eyes if there was any deiciet or manipulation. But no! He was actually speaking the truth. "Tom, you don't know how much you made me suffer! You ignored me but I couldn't take it. It was hurting me whenever you would greet me or talk to me if only you wanted a favour from me. You never had a great conversation with me like when we were smaller. All you did was ignore me and that broke me to pieces."

"I'm sorry. I really am!" As he got up he gave you a hug. Its like you would want time to stop so that you can relish that moment for eternity... It brings a tremendous amount of satisfaction when you have your loved one in your arms... No other thoughts will matter to you in that moment... You will feel light on your feet and will tend to hold him even tighter... There is no other greater pleasure than holding the one you love, breathing in him smell, feeling his fast beating heart against yours. And the feeling which makes you think that he is all yours and you will protect him, care for him, love him forever... Such an awesome feeling...

"I love you forever Y/n Merlin Wyllt." He said kissing your forehead. "I love you forever Tom Marvolo Riddle." You broke apart the hug and saw Tom, he had the most geniune smile.

There was nothing you loved more than making him smile. His eyes crinkled at the edges and the corners of his lips turned upwards. It never took long. A sarcastic remark, a joke, a musing about a rather voluptuous tree… Soon enough, he was grinning, and so was you.

And laughing. His laugh was a cool autumn breeze; an invigorating breath of life. It was contagious.

Tom's POV

Tom saw Y/n smile and thought to himself, 'Man I'm the most luckiest wizard in the whole world to get such a beautiful girl!'

Some days, she found herself in hysterics. Her eyes always laughed first. They were the eyes of the easily amused. The rest of her being followed swiftly. She laughed, and he laughed with her.

His eyes were always gentle. They looked at her with a softness she had never encountered before. They held her close and she was content.

She loved the sound of his smile over the phone. The way he drew out her name, so teasing yet full of affection. His tone was warm and light, occasionally interrupted by an excited gasp over a praying mantis.

He rambled and took tangents to Russia and back. His voice rose and fell like the British Empire. He spoke with passion. And she always listened, smiling fondly.

Every morning, she woke with reason to smile.

"You will always be my Dark Queen." "And you'll be my Dark King." After hearing these words. Tom kissed her lips passionately.


Hello Shelles,

How's the stories by far? I've been making a lot of scenarios in my head don't mind me... 😌 ... And thanks for the 795 reads. My goal is to reach atleast 1k. I hope my dream comes true!!

Btw what's your blood type? I'm a pureblood...

Bye and thanks for reading

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