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Tw: Catcalling.

You wanted some alone time to stroll around in Hogsmead for Merlin knows why. When suddenly a man appears in front of you. "Oh hey sexy didn't quite see you there." You look up at him anger hinted on your eyes. "How about we go to my place and have some good time. Ayy. Come on! It will be so good you won't call it a rape mamacita!" "You know what my knees would look great on your shin." "What does that mean mama?" You kneed him  right where his genitals was placed.He covered his shin and fell on the ground moaning from the pain you caused. You smirked at him and kicked him on his waist a whimper slipping from his mouth. "What a shame! Don't you have a mother or a sister at home? This is why the girls don't feel safe outside. They have a curfew only because of men like you!" As you turned your back on him he took out his wand to throw the Imperius curse on you. You quickly blocked him and disarmed him. Fear evident on his face. You took his wand and played with it between your fingers "Tsk tsk such a shame. Being a part of the wizarding world. Disrespecting women. You're nothing but a disgrace. Silencio!" You muted him. "Now what shall I do with you? Yes-" "HEY! WHAT ARE YOU DOING WITH MY FRIEND!" "Silencio! Petrificus Totalus" You looked down at his friend you suppose. "Easy Target. Expelliarmus!" You disarmed his friend as well his wand flying towards your hand and you caught it with ease you smirked. Using the friend's wand you cast the most nasty spell declared by the wizarding world. "Avada Kedavra!" The green light emitted on the wand kissed his heart and his eyes went wide open.

You used your wandless power to manipulate his friend. "I killed my friend." You whispered. You un-petrified him and gave him his wand. You broke the man's wand who catcalled you and made your first horcrux. The pendant your father had given you. "I KILLED MY FRIEND!' He laughed and you smirked. You apparated towards the Hogwarts gate and put on a innocent expression.


As you were walking in the corridors Druella, Cedrella, Lucretia and Cygnus came running towards you. Druella hugged you. "Are you okay? You know a murder happened in Diagon Alley! It so happened the murderer was the victim's friend? What a shame!" "I'm fine." You smiled at her but it was masking the proudness you had in your heart. "We were so worried about you!" Lucretia said. "Now, I'm here be happy! Jeez!" 


You wrote a letter to Phyllis Macmillan to invite all your Death Chasers to the Room Of Requirement.


Phyllis Macmillan's Pov

The girl recieved the letter from her dark lady. You see this girl was really special for The dark lady or should I say Y/n Merlin Wyllt. 


"All bow down to me! I'm Y/n's right hand." 'You're not Merula!" "Phyllis clamored at her . "And how do you know that?" "Because she trusts me! Not you!" "Wrong! She trusts me more than you!" "Incarcerous!" Phyllis utters making Merula bind in a rope. "Silencio! Crucio!" Phyllis has uttered the most satisfying spell in the dark lady's opinion. But little did she know that the Dark Lady was watching the duo smirking. "Want me to end this?" Y/bff said. The dark Lady raised her hand indicating no. After a few seconds she commanded in "That's enough Macmillan!" "Yes my lady." She ended the spell and went beside Y/n.

Y/n's Pov

You were really satisfied at Phyllis and Y/bff the ones who always had your had your back. "Thanks Macmillan and Y/bff/l/n." "Our pleasure my lady." "And as for you Merula. I hope you learned your lesson."


"So do y'all know about the incident happened at Hogsmead?" "Yes, my lady. It was spread here around like a wildfire." Patricia Ratepick answered. "And it so happened that the victim was the murderer's friend!" Chloe Robinson exclaimed. "He wasn't the one who killed him." "What do you mean?" Phyllis questioned. "I was the one." "Really? Tell us everything that happened my lady!" Y/bff Y/bff/ln


"That nerve of the man! How dare he catcall the heir of MERLIN! OUR LADY! Good thing he's dead!" "Calm down Macmillan." Merula was silent the whole time. "But there's a thing... Tom Riddle wants to rule with me. I'm not sure what we should do." "We can accept his proposal... With that you two will be the most powerful duo... I've seen Riddle, he's just as powerful as you." Y/bff said while everyone agreed to her suggestion. "I guess, it won't hurt. I'll accept his proposal." You faintly smiled at her.


You never thought to this day Riddle would have the same mindset as you. The way he uttered those words made you really surprised. You didn't knew how to react to that thing. But now you're sure that. You two will surely be the most powerful duo. Voldemort and Achlys.

Achlys is a Greek name that means death mist or mist over the eyes at death.

Achlys was a figure in Greek mythology who was said to be the personification of misery. She was an Ancient Greek demoness of the death-mist that appeared over the eyes of the dead.

So therefore, you thought that Achlys is not a bad idea to keep your name.


But first, you want her dead. Your so called mother, the one who hurt the one you love dearly, your father. For hurting you. You always disdained her.


It's always said. You'll never know the psychopath sitting next to you. You'll never know the murderer sitting next to you.


Petty Criminals is what would you name your army. Surprisingly Dumbledore knew all about this, but he never expelled you or Tom as well. Poor him. You had Dippet wrapped up in your hands.


You enter your dorm "Tom Marvolo Riddle, it's a yes." You said. You saw Tom smirking at you as if he knew that you would accept him.

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