To be remebered

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In the following weeks, the news was discussing the supposed death of the leaders. The public was discussing if the teenagers were heroes or just arrogant and that was what lead to the downfall. Lost ones kept going, but you could see that it was hard for them. 

The first years weren't the same too. Many snapped when the former leaders got dragged through the mud by older students. They even attacked them. Aizawa and Mic were numbly teaching their classes. Every teacher was down.

The first years were planning something to honor their friends. At first, they weren't sure what to do, but then they had an idea to make a memorial statue for them. After school and even during school they search the internet to find photos of the 6 that they could use as a blueprint for the statue. It didn't go unnoticed by the other students since the 2 classes discussed it openly. More and more students joined and helped. Teachers were proud that the students were doing this and helped too. It got big and the news reported about it, which caused many to donate money so everything go covered. The location of the memorial was chosen to be Takoba Municipal Beach Park. It was still half-covered with trash but many volunteered to help clean it. 

After only a month everything was ready. The statue itself was made by support course students. The ceremony was planned from the first years with input from high classes and teachers. the higher class also decorated the place for the ceremony. 

On the day of the ceremony came and through Aizawa and Mic, the lost ones were invited to come and even say something. "You think someone from lost ones is going to come?" asked Midnight. "Yeah, we know of 6 that at least will attend the ceremony more than that we aren't sure but they know about it and appreciated it," answered Aizawa walking with his friends to the front of the stage. "Welcome the ceremony will start now. We are more than proud of what our students have done in the last few weeks and want to thank everyone who had donated. Now the students want to say a few things before the memorial gets revealed. The first to speak is the represents of Class 1 B." stated Mic and stepped to the side. Up came Monoma and Kendo. "We can speak only for ourselves but thanks to two of the six leaders we can stay here today and therefore we are more than glad. Thanks to their efforts to protect others from the harm they have granted us a second chance to live. They were our heroes even when we were the same age." spoke Kendo before handing the microphone to Monoma. "Today we have are going to say goodbye to great heroes that deserved better than this. Not many know it, but those six had more courage and good heart than many heroes we have come across. While many heroes and Police officers had turned away from us who need help, they came and protected us from our parents. They were similar to us let down by the heroes and police and created Lost ones to help the overseen ones. So today we are proud that our class and many more are promising to take up our game and help wherever we can and give anyone a hand who needs it. Today we lose great heroes, true heroes, but also gain more" said Monoma before stepping to the side. "That was more than what we expected. Thanks and we agree. Next up are representatives of Class 1A Bakugo and Yaoyorozu." announced Midnight. 

"I guess most was said, but still those six were more than just heroes. We know from members that they have always risked their lives to keep others safe. They came close to dying more than anyone could count. Never just went by if someone needed saving. I was almost killed this summer in the streets. If it weren't for the six and Hawks I wouldn't be standing here. I remember clearly that I had a classmate, I knew him from a young age. I picked on him with others, while he just wanted to help people when we were older. He is dead now and seeing what those six managed to do, I only regretted one thing and that was not to help my classmate achieve his dream. Never less I will move on now and be damn if I don't help others as those six did. They have changed many lives over the years and gave people hope. My class and I want to reach those people too and will work harder than we have now." spoke Bakugo. There were a few gaps but no one dare to say something against Bakugo. "We as Bakugo said will work hard and there is one last request we have. After learning a bit from Lost ones members, we are asking the public to not just stand by when someone asks for help. Heroes are only Humans too and can't always reach someone in time. So please don't just look away but help each other." added Momo. After that the statue got exposed. The six leader were in fighting poses with their codenames under their statue.

Secondes after this lost ones members started to pop up all around the beach. The next leaders marched to the stage followed by the already known to the first years training group. Nox went up to the microphone. "First things first we want to thank everyone that work hard for today and everyone that helped them even if it was just donating a few yen. It means much for us that our fallen leaders get appreciated so much. Anyways we want to give a few things to complete the statue and make it a bit more personal. While the students made the statue and everything, we had come up with a idea to add something form lost ones. The fallen leaders always motivated and helped us much, so we thought of all the things they had said to us and chose one for each leaders that best described their rather weird character.  Those quotes are the ones that sticked with us the most and we thought it would be good to share it." said Nox and turned to nod at the training group. They pulled out from the bags they carried the plates with the quotes. "We thought about to read it out loud but we think we should let the first year read them out." stated Nox and stepped to the side and to the rest of the new leaders. The first years were surprised and were discussing who should go and read it out. "We appreciate it to be given this chance but we think someone else should do this.... the teachers. They done much and this should be their moment." stated Kendo. The new leaders nodded along and you could hear some chuckling. Nezu went up next. "Well, this is really thoughtful of you and i already know who those exact teachers should be. THey worked the closes to the ex leaders. Eraserhead, MIc and Midnight, would you do us the honour?" said Nezu  turning to the shocked trio. "Of course, Nezu." answered Midnight.  First to go up was  Helios and hold out the tablet so one of the three could read it. "You know why we are doing what we do? We want to protect those who can't protect themself. Each one of us has a different reason, but all of us are ready to do anything to protect what or who is important to us. For exempal for me it's the lost ones, my family that i found. -Sis-"  read out Midnight and gave the microphone to Mic, while Kuro stepped up. "It''s never easy but if you really want to do something you will find a way to achieve it. Never doubt yourself, because only if you stop believing in yourself, you won't be able to achieve your dreams. - Shado-" read out Mic. Next was Doves tablet. "Look at me. My father always wanted to be the best in his job the nr.1, he wanted to surpass everyone and because of this lost his own family while I'm here and live my life to my fullest. I found my family and am part of the best group in our line of work without even trying. This was possible because i asked for help, so don't hesitate to ask for hand if you need one. You will only regret it later if you don't- -Dual-" read out Aizawa and had to hold back a chuckle.  Madness stepped up. "Give it your best, nothing else matters. You will be surprise what your cable of if you just give it you best. Look around we have made it this far because we gave it our best and honestly no one of us had thought this would be possible. -Mindis-" read out Midnight again. "Never ever forget were you are from. Don't forget what you have been through no matter how horrible it was, because this is what makes you. Every scar you have tells a story and shows you survived the shit thrown at you. -Mirale-" read out Mic from Madness. "Everyone makes mistakes, hell i nearly attempted murder if it wasn't for my sisters and brothers i found in lost ones. The important thing is that you take responsibility for it. Don't blame others for it. Making mistakes is what makes us humans, so don't be ashamed of it. -Reap-" read out Aizawa a bit shocked from the tablet held by Zero

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