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"Put on your heros costumes or not, i don't care. Outside is a bus, we are going to the USJ." anounnced Aizawa. THe class took their hero costums and changed before going to the bus.  During the drive, the squad became a feeling that something is going to happen. "Hey, we may need to show our true skills, i have a dumb feeling." wispered Izuku to the others. "Me, too. Are we going to reveal who we are only our complet power?" asked Ochaco. "I think we should only show our powers, but we may need to hide after that. Aizawa is smart enough to connect us to our true identitys as missing children." wispered Izuku. "True, the moment i use my fire, he is going to know that i am the youngest Todoroki." wispered Todoroki. "So we can call each other by our real names if things go south?" wispered-asked Tsu. "Yeah i mean, at least Nezu is going to know after we go all out." wispered Shinso. "Hey what are you wispering about?" asked Kaminari. "We are just talking about what we think we are going to do today and wispered to not disturb you guys." answered Iida. "Really? What do you think we are going to do?" asked Mina. "Oh you misunderstood, we didn't meant what we are doing at the USJ as class activity. We meant what we are doing as group, today." replied Izuku. "The nerds are going to study or something like this!" commented Bakugo. "And that is why you are not going to be popular as hero." muttered Tsu. The class heard it and laughed. "What are you laughing about?!" shouted Bakugo. "She is right, we don't want another Endeavor." commented Todoroki. "I-What is happening?" asked Sero laughing with Kaminari and Mina. "What did you say, Icy-bitch?!" yelled Bakugo. "Calm down, Bakugo." said Aizawa. "I mean they are not that wrong."stated Jiro. "Yeah, Bakubro, you need to be nicer to others sometimes." commented Kirishima. "Stop it and get out, we are here." ordered Aizawa. The class got off the bus and went inside the USJ. "Woah, that is amzing!" commented Kaminari. The Rei-Squad stayed at the back of the class. Aizawa went to Thirteen and asked her something. After getting an aswer he looked pissed, but calmed down fast. "Hello, Class 1-A. I am Thirteen and going to train with you today. Before we start, you need to understand that your quirks are good, but also dangerous if used wrong. You could hurt you or others. That is the reason we are here. You are going to learn when you should use your quirk or not and how to use them indifrent situation." explained Thirteen. The lights flickered and immedatly the Rei-squad was ready to take action. It wasn't really noticable to the class, but Aizawa noticed. "You okay?" asked Aizawa the 6. "Maybe." he got as respons. "What does that mean?" asked Momo. Before the group could respond, Kirishima said something that put the 6 and the 2 heros on edge. "Woah, they even have fake villians!" shouted Kirishima. "So our gut feeling was right." muttered Izuku. "Thirteen protect the students, I fight them!" ordered Aizawa ready to jump down. "HOLD ON! Your fighting style isn't used to this kind of situation!" called Izuku out. The 6 were walking to the front. "You can't be a one trick pony as hero." responded Aizawa and jumped, but before he could even reach the end of the stairs, a tongue wrapped around him and pulled him up again. "Sorry about that, Sensei, but you would have gotten hurt pretty baldly." apologized Tsu. "What the fuck are you doing?!" yelled Aizawa. "Saving your ass. Stay with the class. We are going to fight!" stated Izuku. "You are not going to fight them! They are real villians and you are still only students!" shouted Aizawa. Then teens turned around, smiled sadly at the class. "We kinda lied about who we are... Sorry and it was great having met you" said Izuku and the group bowed to the class. "What do you mean?!" shouted Bakugo. The group took out the hair brush to revers their hair to normal. "Again sorry Kachan." said Izuku. "I-Izuku?"asked Bakugo not believing his eyes. Aizawa nearly choked. "You are the 6 teens, who are believed to be dead?!!" yelled Aizawa. "We need to go. they are coming." said Shinso. "Yeah, Sho after we are down block the stairs with your ice. Ochaco let as many fly as you can, Tsu help her and knock the ones in the air out, Tenya and Hito let's show them how to fight!" ordered Izuku. the group ran down the stair. Todoroki froze the stairs up making it nearly impossible to get up. Ochaco touched the villians near her, while avoiding the attacks. Tsu used her tongue to slam the villians in the air together or on to the ground. Todoroki protected Tsu and fougt the villians that tried to attack her. Tenya used his quirk to just kick the villians and knocking them out. Shinso and Izuku tagged teamed and attacked the biggest group. Shinso used his quirk during the fight to make some of the villians to knock them out themself.  "Little help?" asked Ochaco. "On It!"responded Tsu and helped Ochaco to fight off the villians. Todoroki joint up with Iida. 

"What is happening?" asked Kaminari. "I think that the 6 presummed dead teenager, we talked about when we played  Never ever have i, are the 6 we see fighting right now. It looks to me that they were ready to  reveal themself at any moment we would be in danger and fight to protect us." answered Momo. "Guys, think about what they said before going down. Was it just me or did it sounds like they are not thinking we see each other after this is over?" asked Jiro. "NO! He can't just disapear again after revealing himself like that!" yelled Bakugo. "Aizawa aren't you going to help them?" asked Kirishima. "I am not sure if i even can... they fight like they did this for years... and if i go down now, it could put them into more danger than they are already." answered Aizawa stunned to see the 6 fighting like that.

"Who are you?!" screamed Shigaraki. "Shut it! You crusty dusty dinosour!" yelled Todoroki back, while slaming a villian into the ground knocking out a bit later with a puch to the face. Shigaraki looked pissed. "Sho, i think you just made a chid mad!" called Shinso out. "What is a child even doing here?" asked Iida. "I think he got lost!" commented Izuku. The last of the folder villians were defeated by the group. "You are good, let's see how you are doing against our weapon agains All Might. Kurogiri bring the nomu!" ordered Shigaraki laughing crazily. Kurogiri opened a portal and out came a nomu. "Okay.. Maybe it was not that smart to make him angry." stated Tsu. "Yeah, should have thought of that, he did mentation earlier that he wants to kill All Might. Opps." responded Izuku. "Any idea, Izu?" asked Ochaco, the group had regrouped. "Ähm.. It looks like that he is going to be strong, but i don't know how strong. Since it is made to kill All Might, i would say one hit would at least leave us hurt badly if not kill us. The plan is not to get hit by this thing." answered Izuku. "Kill Them!" Shigaraki ordered. The nomu ran with a speed that the group nearly couldn't dodged. "Ah shit!" yelled Ochaco. The nomu attacked the group constanly and the group could only barely dodge it. The group was focusing on not getting hit by the numo, they pulled one stunt after another. sometimes pulling eachother out of the way, when one couldn't dodge in time. Other times they jumped up and then used each other to jump to the side. It began  to look like they were in a circus.

"Kaminari, did you managed to contact UA?!" asked Aizawa panicing about the 6 teen, who are barely avioding punches that shattered the ground. "Hai! They still need at least 5 minutes till they are here!" responded Kaminari, finally abel to get into contact with the outside."Let's hope they can hold out that long..." said Momo. The class watched the 6 dodged, but could see that it was always only barely they could dodge. "I know it isn't the time for it, but doesn't it look like this is a circus?" asked Sero. "I mean you are not wrong, but now it isn't the time." replied Mina. the class was worried, but at the same time amazed at how insync the 6 were. "IZU!SHO!" they heard screamed from 4. The they saw it Izuku and Todoroki were hit by the nomu and flew across the Central Plaza.

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