Where are they?

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After the contact with the temporaly leaders, lost ones member  weren't spotted anywhere near Musutafa. It made the heros worry about the teenagers. Most of the UA teachers were hardly able to hide their worry, which caused the students to question what happened. Class 1- A and B were on edge. Months went by and no trace or information could be found. They only knew that none of the members, that were injured durinng the battle, died. Kendo and Monoa tried everyday to contact the 6 leaders, but with no success. The ex braainwashed members of L.O.V. were sometimes seen walking around the city with covered faces. Aizawa and Yamada were the only heros that could talk with them. Other heros they ignored or even ran from. It was complicated. THe media demanded to get answere to what happen and were the vigilante group went. They also wanted to know why the two top heros weren't fighting. THey asked every hero about the battle Kamino and if they knew who the ones were fighting against the boss. The lost ones became even more mysterious to the public. Some said that the battle of Kamino were a gang battle and the heros only helped to save the citizen that got draged into it. Some said that they are part of the heros force and work undercover mostly, which is why they weren't seen. Nezu forbid every hero to say a word about what happened. It been chaos.

After some time the members began to pop up here and there, but still it wasn't like before. THe members completly avoided the heros every time they could. The temporaly leaders weren't seen at all, tho you could sometimes hear the teams talking to the to coordinat an attack if you were lucky enough to get close, which was actually only Aizawa and a few underground heros.

"Any  trace or informatione on them?" asked Aizawa,he was in a meeting regarding the leaders of the lost ones. "No, but i think we should maybe reveal who they are. It would make it easier to find them." answered Snipe. "Are you stupid?! The moment we reveal their identitys they have targets on their back 24/7! We can't do it, it would risk the safety of the 6!" responded Midnight. "Wait! You know the identitys of the leader?!" exclaimed Ms. Joke. "Yes. Every UA. teachers and some other heros that were callled to the meeting by the leaders, know. They came to us and asked for help. Normally they wouldn't have revealed themself, but because of the war that were coming they did. We found some interrissting information about them out and what their family situation is. It escaleted when two of the six revealed their orgin and why the lost ones are not so fond of heros... " explained Nezu walking in. "Why do we not know it?" asked Rock Lock. "Well, you already know the average age of the fighting group and... the leaders are younger then it. They would be in their first year of high school." answered Aizawa think that the heros wouold be smart enough to get the rason from that. "It still doesn't explaine it. IT makes only more reason to tell us!"said Ignium. "Why is he even here?" asked Yamada. "I am hero too and my younger brother is missing after he got take by lost ones." responded Igniume. "Now... Now you fucking care! You never cared before for him!! Yes we know, we found out about it after the USJ incedent. You should be glad i am not destroying your hero career with puplishing what i know!" shouted Aizawa, he was on edge the entier time after the Kamin battle. "How would you know shit about my family! We loved him!" shouted Igniume. "Bitch! The only reason lost ones isn't after your ass is probably your little brother, who hates you but wants to give your another chance as hero, to make the right things!" shouted Aizawa back. "How would you know that? Did you talk to them?" asked Nezu. "No, i didn't. Oboro told me after hearing it from a member he had asked." answered Aizawa. "Which member?" asked Miriko hoping it would be one of the 6. "The member that watch out for them and helps them." answered Aizawa. "The codename Aizawa." demanded Nezu. "He has none." answered Aizawa and it clicked by Nezu and the heros that knew about Hawks. "Care to explain who that is and why some heros seem to know who it is?" asked Death Arms. 

The door opened and in walked Hawks. "Good to see you have recovered well." greeted Nezu. "I only came to well retiere as a hero, you can say." stated Hawks. "Explain." demanded Nezu having a feeling. "Well as some here know i am part of the lost ones since i got kidnapped by hades and they helped me to recover. I will still work with heros, but i a under lost ones and not the hero commission. You can say i am the new middleman after the currently can't do it at the moment and won't do it from now on." explained Hawks. "Excuse me! What?!" exclaimed Igniume. "What got a problem with it, talk to my boss. Oh wait they don't like you and ddon't want to talk to you." sassed Hawks. "Welp, do you at least get a codename or is Hawks gonna stick with you?" asked Aizawa. "I will go with Hawks otherwise they want my codename to be KFC or Chicken. So yeah no i am keeping my hero name as codename." answered Hawks. Yamada and Aizawa laughed. Midnight tried not to laugh, but snickered at the names. "Who suggested the names?" asked Yamada. "Oh, it was your dear friend and the rest jumped on it." answered Hawks with a little glare at Yamada and Aizawa, who were laughing at it. Yamada was rolling on the ground and Aizawa cureled up in his seat.  "So can you tell us about the condition of the leaders?" asked Nezu. "I am not allowed to, but i know that there people here that really care about the 6 and because of that i could talk the temporaly leaders into letting me tell you. What i am allow to say is that the 6 are concious again and recovering with the help of the medics. They will return, well return as in showing themself in their costums and doing their job." said Hawks. "That's great, how long till they are fit?" asked Aizawa relived. "They are already. They training now to get back into form." answered Hawks. "They nearly died and are training to get back to fighting?!" exclaimed Aizawa. "Hey, you are not better then them and even if they now train, without the premmision of a medic they aren't allowed to. If they do it without the premission the members are allowed to catch them and bring them in to a room that get's locked so they can't get out." countered Hawks. "They have a room to lock them up? Did this happen before?" asked Nezu. "Yes and excuse me i need to go." answered Hawks and left the room.

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