Aftermath (2)

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"Just a question is ther a reason why your outfits are so similar to each other?" asked Midnight. "Yes, but that is for us and not everyone has it. Normally the otfits are diffrent for each person to identify a person faster and we have only the colors that is diffrent. We made it to show that we are one as the next leaders." answered Neko. "That is not what we came here. We want to know who took the support gear. We already had members search the battle field and the civilians, that were at the scene, the moment we notice them missing. So only other chance is that a hero took them." stated Aki. "That is impossible, a hero wouldn't have taken them. Maybe they got destroy durring the battle." said Ryukyu. "If they got destroyed we would have come across the broken parts. The thing is there was not a single trace of them." replied Axe. "Then mayb they lost it." suggested Vlad King. "It is part of their gear, they would at least listed it as missing or replaced it. If it happend durring the battle then we would have found it on the battleground." responded Nox.  "What exactly is missing?" asked Nezu. "It is the hidden daggers of Mindis, but we have saw him using them and think that the girl, Himiko Toga as them. Then the hidden sonic device of Shado, which if used wrong can kill instead of simply disoritating someone. The hidden mini explosives of Dual, which didn't set of in the finale attack against All for one. These are so made that only actvied if a code is sent to them over the paidger of Dual. Even with the huge explosion they would have set off. The hidden tanto sword of Sis which has a paralize poison on its blade. The hidden throwing knifes of Reap that can electrecued someone, who is hit by one. The hidden daggers of Mirale that have paralizing poison on them." answered Blaze.

"How were thos hidden?" questioned Miriko. Everyone was currious about how those weapons were on them and no one saw it. "If we wanted to we could place around 10 to 15 throwing knifes like Reap has on you without really changing your hero costume. You would still show as much skin as you do and have the knifes on you in reachable places."  replied Shiro. "Wait! Are you the one the students met in the woods?" asked Aizawa only now realizing the same codename. "Yes, I am. I followed them after an incedent and showed them a save way out of the woods." answered Shiro. "Safe way?" questioned Nezu. "Yes a safe way. In the woods were i came across them are traps many traps and we keep people out of it and made signs that says it will be dangerous and infroms about the traps. Normaly no one comes close to that area, but once in a while there are idiots, that's why we are there." answered Aki. "Why don't you remove the traps?" asked Ectoplasma. "It's because there is a base or something like that from lost ones and they are meant to keep foes away, am i right?" stated Nezu looking at Aki. "You smart rat. Yes there is something like this there and we would appreaciat it if you would stay away from it, because you can get in grave danger. Not all traps are from us, we only know were all of them are." replied Axe. The heros hold their breath not sure how Nezu will react to the rat coment. "Could it be that you are in Izuku's team, Axe?" asked Yamada. "No, i am not, but if you asked because of the comment i made. Let me tell you something nott everyone likes persons that sniffe in things they shouldn't. Yes this is a warning, Nezu." responded Axe. "We still want to know what happened to the gear that is missing." stated Aki anoyed. "Maybe they are by the police, because they were in charge to clean up and confiscated every weapon found on the scene. They also instantly started to search the battlegrounds after the fight ended." suggested Nezu. "Call them and ask." demanded Neko. "Of course, but why are so ambitious to find them?" replied Nezu. "Because they can be leathle  if someone is to be hurt by them on more than one occasion. So if the police has them, tell them to be fucking carfulle and about what the weapons can do. We don't want an officer being suffacoted to death, because they weren't carefull and got cut or actvited the mechanism of the weapons accidently." answered Blaze. The group turned and walked out of the room. "Wait! Where are you going? We still have questions!" called Nezu out. "5 max. we have  to things to do and members to care for." replied Nox though some of the group groaned.

"How old are you?" asked Nezu wondering if they are older then the leaders. "A year under the average age of the fighting members." answered Shiro. "You are teens?!" exclaimed  Vlad King shocked and shocking the heros that didn't know of the average age. "Wait, What?!" questioned Ms. Joke confuised. "We didn't ttold it anyone else, but we got told by Izuku that the average age of the fighting members are between 16-17 years, which would mean they are around the age of our ffirst or seconde years." explained Nezu. "Who is in whos team?" asked Aizawa. "Aki is in Sis, Shiros in Reaps, Nox is in Shados, Blaze is in Mindis, Axe in Duals, and i am in Mirale, but got in after they rescued Monoma, hence why he didn't know me." answered Neko. "How long are you part of the lost ones?" asked Nezu. "4 years and Neko came to us a half year later." answered Shiro. "It doesn't look like you were fighting, which would mean y'all were back-up. Why, tho?" asked Aizawa. "Because we are the back-up leaders. If we would have gotten hurt badly or died during the fight. It would have been chaos, since there wouldn't have been someone to take charge and know about the whole orginasation or trained for taking the lead." explained Blaze. "What is up with the codnames? Are they meaning something?" asked Nezu. "Nope, it is something that the members under who someone learned pick. It is mostly a nickname they came up and sticked with you, though they do try not give the same codename to two or more people." explained Axe. "Welp that were fie already, we are going." stated Aki and the group left. "Crap,, we could have asked about the condition of the leaders." exclaimed  Yamada. "Nope, they wouldn't have told us, but they did say they are in charge till the real leaders recover. This would mean they are going to be fine, but will take time to get back on their feets." said Nezu.

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