Wait a damn minute

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"Why do you refuse to tell us your code name?" questioned Nezu. "Well it is a ground rule not to reveal it." answered Izuku. "There is no exeption, where you can tell us your code name?" questioned Nezu. "There is one, but that would mean we are nearly before a war and need everyone to protect the inocent people, which would mean we would need heros to help." answered Izuku. "Ähm a what now?" asked  Kendo. "A war. Lost ones are making themself ready to fight a war with one of the most dangerous people."explained Izuku dead serious. "Would it include.." asked Midnight. "Yes, it would include the L.O.V. and the people behind them. They only began to test how strong the heros are." said Izuku. "You know what it would mean right? In a war people get killed." asked Vlad King. "Yeah i know, it isn't the first time for us. I am saying that i did kill people before and I am not proud of it, but i would do it again to save someone inocent." responded Izuku. "You killed?" asked a disbelieving Yamada, everyone was shocked. "Yes, in every team is at least one that had to kill already. We are prepared to become monsters if it means other can live in peace again. Sometimes it needs monsters to defeat other monsters." replied Izuku. "What the fuck?!" exclaimed Aizawa. "You can't kill someone!" shouted some of the students. "News flash i don't live in the same world as you. We don't get to chose if we want to kill or not. Look you heros are only scratching on the surface of the underground. It is a dark world were only one rule exist and that is kill or be killed. We try our best to not kill someone and hand them over to the police, but do you think we would have a choice with monsters like Overhaule, All for One, or other super villians that hide in the shadows. They don't let themself get caught and handed to the police. So sorry to ruin your little perfect world, if you want to save someone there is always a price someone has to pay." ranted Izuku. "Izuku that isn't you! I can still remember the little you always dreaming to be a hero and never gave up on it!" argued Bakugo. "Hate to break it, but the little dude  wouldn't have survived in the world i got thrown in with 10. He got killed the moment i was first tortured, because  i didn't want to kill someone in a fight, they made me fight. Look at my neck, for fuck sake. They put a shock colloar on me and everytime i didn't obey or they felt like it i got electrcuted till nearly my heart stop. Think what we have been through, before jugding us!" countered Izuku and left the room.   
"What are we gonna do now?" asked Cementos."Well it looks like he goes to his dorm.We should let him be alone for a bit. It must have been hard for him to get reminded on this.."answered Nezu. "We shouldn't have reacted the way we did." muttered Aizawa regretting his reaction. 

The teachers let the students return to their dorms an were discussing the knowlegde Izuku gve them. "Hound dog, is it possible for you as soon as possible have a session with him?" asked Nezu and Hound dog nodded. "We need to talk with lost ones about the whole war thing." demeanded Snipe. "Yeah, but we can only contact them through Izuku." commented Yamada. "Then ask Izuku to contact them!" demanded  Snipe again. "No, he has been clearly traumatized and if we don't let him clam down first it can make things worser. If someone asked him without premission from me. I won't care who it is,  i am going to attack the person!" stated Hound dog. The teacher looked at him. "Yeah, no. I am out." said Aizawa and went to the door only to get it smacked in his face.

"Where is Izuku?!" asked Hawks panicing. "He went to his dorm, why? What is happening?" replied Nezu. "Don't have time to explain, turn on the TV!" shouted Hawks and ran to the dorms. Nezu turned on the TV. "Aizawa, are you okay?" asked Yamada. "I'm fine." grumbled Aizawa and stood up. On TV was shown that a small mall was hold hostage and demanded were the leaders from lost ones to come. About 15 minutes the 6 leaders droped from the sky. The villians were demanding that the 6 were revealing their Identitys and go with them without struggling. The 6 nodded and kneel infront of the villian group. When they grapped their hoodies they completly dropped to the ground and red feathers shoot out from behind them and oinning the villians to the ground. "You are dumb!" shouted a man having a small child in his arm. "Don't do it! You will regret it! Let the child please go!" demanded Shado. "As long as i have the child you aren't going to do shit to me!" laughed the man. "There is were you go wrong. Last chance let the child go!" stated Mindis. "Oh~ so you would risk the childs live, what heros you are!" said the man. " We are no heros, wee only help where we can. Heros are people who don't do the shit we do.. I am sorry." said Shado and pulled a gun shooting the man. Reap shot forward catching the child as they fell. "You need to help him! He is going to die!" demanded an civilian. "He is already dead. I had o shot him in the head, to save the girl and the people in the mall." explained Shado going to the corps and paying his respect to the dead. "You could have just knock him out!" shouted a other civilian. " It seems you didn't noticed, but he was going to blow up the mall and killing everyone inside. It was either him or the inocent ones inside the mall. Next time have all the informations before jugding." replied Dual going inside the mall. "Hawks come out and help! Nezu will know about it anyways after today!" shouted Mirale. "Yeah, yeah. I am coming." answered Hawks and went inside with the group. The group got the civilians out of the mall, the only ones not seen were Mindis, Shado and Dual. "What are the other 3 doing?" asked a reporter, Hawks. "Dual and Shado are currently defusing the bombs in the building. Mindis is scaning the building for more traps." answered Hawks and wet inside again. "Well, that is something, we ask him for more later." muttered the reporter. The last civilians came out of the mall with Hawks and the leaders. "Hey, uhm, This is for Nezu, Be ready we are coming to speak with you. There are urgend matters to be discuss." said Shado to the cameras and turned to Hawks. "I am forced to come with,right?" asked Hawks. "Yipe and you are going to be our ride." said Sis. "Fine, grape on." said Hawks defeated. The 6 graped on and they flew away. "Uhmm... uhh. What?" uttered the reporter. 

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