Training camp (11)

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Izuku's paidger suddenly went off. "Izuku! HE is with them! He fucking  joined Hades!" shouted Ochaco through the comm link. "Who are talking about?" questioned Izuku confuised but high alarmed. "Iwamoto the traitor!" yelled Ochaco. "Izuku he is heading your way!" informed Shoto via comm link. "I will go up against him and hold him off till you get to us. Make it fast!" responded Izuku and reached under the couch he was sitting on. Pulling out daggers and a katana. "Stay here and don't come out! No matter what! This also goes for the members!" ordered Izuku walking to the door. "Wait! Who is that traitor? I remember having seen his name in our reports i went through." questioned Dove. "He was one of the first we trained here in Japan, but we failed to noticed that he only wanted to get strong to fight and kill.... He was the reason we where so hesitant to train or accepting new members. He has one of the highst kill counts known to us."  anwered Izuku and walked out. 

 Izuku didn't came far when Iwamoto attacked him. "Why are you here?!" questioned Izuku. "To aveng my Sensei and pay back for kicking me out." replied Iwamoto. "You killed inocent people! And you're a psycho! We shouldn't have taken you in in the first place!" shouted Izuku back. They clashed a few times and destroyed the serounding areas. "I would need to thank you for getting them all together makes it easier to kill them." Iwamoto suddely said making Izuku stop. "You wouldn't." responded Izuku. "But i would. It would break you if they got killed, because of a mistake you made." replied Iwamoto laughing manicly. Izuku ran back to the house to see that it was already under attack. He went to help when he noticed a Hades member sneaking by everyone with a big bag. The ones that were fighting were the training group with Kuro as a suport shooting at Hades members and Toga protecting him from the ones that got close and the heros. The students, siblings and Tsukauchi were still inside the house. Thinking fast Izuku dashed in the house and shouted that they need to get out. The other leaders were now joining the fight. 

"Where is Iwamoto?!" questioned Hitoshi. "He planned to kill everyone in the house. They are after us. The one we killed was Iwamoto's Sensei appearantly and now he wants revenge." relied Izuku. "Damn right!" shouted Iwamoto  attacking Tenya from behind, who got pushed away from Tsu with her tounge. The knife Iwamoto had scratched Tsu tounge and paralized her. Ochaco ran to her trying to get her of the battel grounds while Dabi covered for her. Ochaco and Tsu were suddenly pulled by something and got dragged into a portal. "Fuck!" cursed Shoto who couldn't reach them in time. Tenya was then ambushed by Iwamoto. They fought but Tenya got lead into trap binding him. He was next throw in the portal of Hades. Shoto went limb the next second with a tranqulizing bullet in his shoulder. Hitoshi went and pulled him off to the side. Big mistake.  They too were dragged into a portal. Shocked and worried for the others Izuku wasn't able to fight with all he had and got knocked out by Iwamoto, who then throw him into the portal. "Let's go! We have the ones we came for!" ordered Iwamoto stepping through the portal. The rest of Hades went back into the shadow and vanished on their own. 

"Shit! FUCK!" cursed Dabi hitting the nearst tree. The training team stood there emotionless looking at the place the portal was. "Did we just lost them?" asked Izuya walking to his brother. "Yeah, we did. Come on we have tell the others...." answered Helios hanging his arm around his brother. "Right. The protocol has to get put into motion." commented Madness. The training group walked towards the house with their head hanging. The rest followed. Inside the training group all held out their paigders in a circle. One after another linked together. "All linked. Contact City wide, Country wide or world wide?" asked a computer voice. "World wide contact. authorized by Zero." answered Zero. "Authorized by Madness." stated Madness. "Authorized by Helios." stated Helios. "Authorized by Kuro." stated Kuro. "Authorized by Dove." stated Dove. "Authorized by Lynx as last." stated Lynx. "Requierments fulfilled. Contact world wide. Please rely the message now." stated the computer voice. "Protocol fallen leaders actives now. The leaders have been taken hostage by Hades and are to be presumded to be dead. I repeat the leaders have fallen and the protocol fallen leader is active now. Witnesses to the fall of the leaders are: Zero, Madness, Helios, Kuro, Dove, Lynx, Ex LOV Along with the Hero class 1A and 1B of UA, Underground hero Earserhead, Present Mic, Vlad King and police detective Tsukauchi." voiced Lynx tears falling. All of the training group was in tears. 

The rest beside the trainig group was shocked. "What are you talking about? They aren't dead!" exclaimed Bakugo. "It's the protocol. We have to do this. It was written by the former Leaders. It's so the Lost ones would contuine and don't risk everything to get them." explained Dove with her voice cracking. "They aren't that so you have to do something! They saved your lives!" shouted Testutestu. "We would, but it would be more than a sucide mission.... WE have to accept that they are going to die most likely if they don't get tortured to death or whatever those sick bastards are going to do." responded Zero. "It was their last wish, wasn't it?" asked Dabi. "Yes, how do you know?" questioned Madness. "Sho had told me that if they went missing durring a mission or get taken that there is something i won't like, but i have to go along with." answered Dabi taking a deep breath. "Sounds like him." commented Lynx. The trainings group went outside followed by the siblings of them. "What are you doing now?" asked Aizawa. "The last tribute to a leader or in this case leaders." answered Helios. The group of lost ones hold up their arms with the paidger and used the holographic screen to actived a laser. In the sky multiple signs of the Lost ones in deep red lit up. Not that far to the suprise of the heros poped up others.

On the next day the news went wild. "Yesterday night all around the world mulitple of the symbol of Lost ones was seen on the sky. Noone knows what this means. It was the first time this has happened. We-" the Tv was shut down. "Nezu calls me the whole night already, what am i supposed to tell him?" questioned Aizawa. "The truth what else? " retorted Zero. "I mean about the show cast you did yesterday." stated Aizawa. "Same. Tell him it was a tribut to our fallen leaders." replied Helios. "Maybe it is better you make a press confrence and tell the world." suggested Dove. "If we would make a press confrence it is more than likly they want names." replied Mic coming into the room. "Use the codenames." retorted Zero. "How are the others holding up?" asked Aizawa. "How do you think? We lost our leaders, our friends, part of our family. i would say bad."  answered Helios. Aizawa nodded and told Nezu to make a press confrence.

The confrence was held on the same day. "What is this about? Why aren't we told what this confrence is about?" asked a reported. "The ones that called in the confrence were two heros and they are going to explain why." answered Nezu and on cue Aizawa and Mic walked up next to Nezu. "Sorry Nezu we didn't tell you what this is about. Anyways this is about what happened last night." stated Aizawa. "About the light signals of lost ones?" asked a reporter. "Yes, The symbole of lost ones was shown on the sky by every member of lost ones at the same time as a tribute to the leaders." answered Mic. "Tribute? What are you saying?" asked a report in the back. "Yesterday on a field trip with class 1A, we came in contact with the leaders of lost ones and other members. Later we got ambushed by a criminal organization called Hades. THey were out for the still recoverying  Leaders. It came to a fight in which the 6 leaders got capture and now are presumbed to have died as said by the other members that were there. The light up of the sky was a tribute to the fallen leaders..."  stated Aizawa holding back tears. "Who was there and how did they found you?" questioned another reporte. "We don't know and are working with lost ones to find out how this could happen. As for you was there i already said it. Lost ones allows us to share the codenames of the leaders. The fallen ones are Shado, Dual, Reap, Sis, Miriale and Mindis." answered Mic. "How are the students? Did other die?" was the next questions. "The students are unharmed thanks to an early warning by the quirk of a lost one members. Other than the leaders noone died. Injured was only members of lost ones as they took the hits for the students while fighting trying to protect them as much as they could." answered Aizawa. "What will happen now to the lost ones?" asked a reporter. "The next leaders are now in charge and took over the organisation." answered Mic. "How old were the former leaders?" asked a reporter in the front. Aizawa and Mic looked at eachother then to Nezu. ".....They....they were only teenagers. We found this out shortly before the battel of Kamino, but we couldn't stop them from fighting and tried to make an alliance with them." answered Nezu. The room fell quiet. Aizawa and Mic left, leaving Nezu to deal with the rest.

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