Home Sweet Home

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Katnice's Note
After Lydia wakes me up we go to get ready for school.

Lydia:You sure you wanna do this? I mean no one is going to judge you of you don't show up.

Katnice :I'll be ok. I just have to get my mind off my problems for a while. It'll be good for me. I guess.

Lydia:Ok. You ready?

Katnice :Yeah.


Lydia pulls the car up on the school parking lot.

Lydia :Let's go

We walk outside. I see the students looking at me. We walk in the school and then in the classroom. In my mind I only think not to see Scott. I survive the first day without seeing Scott but I talk too early. When the bell rings for us to leave, towards the exit I bump into Scott.

Scott :Hey

Katnice :Hey..

Lydia :I'll leave you two alone.

Katnice:Lydia you're my ride


She says while she is walking down the stairs of the school exit.

Scott:Look Kat. I'm sorry about yesterday. I didn't mean to upset you.

Kat:I just don't get it. Why do you want to stay here so much.

Scott:It's my home. I can't leave.

Kat:So after we graduate and I leave it will be the end of our relationship?

I said that with a steady voice, but from the inside I was cracking into a thousand pieces.

Scott:No. Of course not.

Kat:Then what will happen Scott? I don't want to stay here but you want?

Scott:I'm not saying that I'm gonna stay here forever

Kat:Oh really? Because yesterday you gave me that impression. I don't want us to break up Scott.

Scott : Me neither. We'll find a way.

Kat:Ok.. I have to go. I must walk home.

Scott : I can give you a ride.

Kat:No it's ok. I'll walk.

I walk down the stairs.

Scott:Are you avoiding me for some reason?

Kat:No it's not that.

Scott:Then what is it Kat? Why you always leave in such a rush with no explanation?

I can't help it anymore.

Katnice :Because I don't want you to get hurt again. (I start crying) Not from me.

He looks at me shocked.

Katnice:I love you Scott and if something happens to you because of me it will haunt me forever. And I don't want that.

???:Oh..That's so cute. You should tell your father when you see him in Hell.

I turn around and see her.

Katnice :Genevieve?

I knew Genevieve. I had seen her in my dad's memories. She was a friend of my dad and my aunt Rebekah. But she tried to kill them.

Genevieve :Hello Katnice. And you must be Scott. Right? We have a lot to talk about.


I return to Lydia's house. I sit on a chair.

Lydia:Katnice. What happened?

I don't answer her. I am just looking at the wall in front of me.

Lydia:Kat. Tell me what happened.

Katnice : She told me she'll come back.


Katnice :She wants revenge.

Lydia:Kat stop for a minute and tell me who told you all this?

Katnice : Genevieve. A Mikaelson Enemy. She warned me to stay away from my friends or they'll all die. Lydia I have to leave. You are not safe.

Lydia:And where you think you'll go?

Katnice :I don't know. But first I must find Scott.


I find Scott on the lacrosse field.

Katnice:Hey.. Can we talk?


Katnice :I'm leaving

Scott:What? Why?

Katnice :You heard Genevieve Scott. If i stay she'll kill my friends.

Scott :Look Kat. I don't care what that witch said but I'm not gonna let you leave like this.

Katnice:Scott. In order for the guilt to go away I need to do something that is helpful. So I'm leaving. I'll try to find a way to come back without her knowing.

Scott :Kat you are the most powerful witch I know. You can fight her.

Katnice:But I can't control my powers. So I'll learn first and then come back.

I turn around and leave the field.


I am on the street waiting for the bus. All I want now is go to the airport and then New Orleans. The place that I found my family and lost it. At that time I remember that I can teleport so I use my magic to teleport but instead of New Orleans I arrive in India. I teleport again and go in Alabama. Well that's a start. I teleport again and finally arrive in New Orleans. I walk in the house. The floor is covered with leaves and the tables with dust.

Katnice:Please powers.. Don't fail me.

I whisper and with a clap of my hands everything looks brand new.

Katnice :How nice.

I didn't have the time to put my stuff in my room and someone knocks on the door. I open it.

Katnice :Davina! What are you doing here?

Davina: Well I was informed that you left Freya's house to go to Beacon Hills but when I called your friends they said you came here. Oh they also told me what happened.

Katnice:And why didn't you just call me?

Davina:Perhaps I called you and you didn't answer cause you had your phone off?

Katnice :Oh Sorry. So what bring you here?

Davina:I have great news. Together we can do a very powerful spell. But we are gonna need your full strength and power to do it.

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