51. Serendipity *finale*

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Prior to the interview notice the members were seated to watch what the couple had to say. "Jimin is looking very pretty, pregnancy looks good on him honestly." NamJoon commented drawing Jin's attention, he placed his phone down to focus on the interview. He noticed the absence of Hoseok and questioned Yoongi about it.

"He said he was resting for a while." But that did not seem like a pleasant reply to Taehyung so he sneaked into Hoseok's room. "Hoseok.." He knocked on the door and without being told to come in he went right to Hoseok's bed.

"Why are you here?" Hoseok questioned. "To talk to you of course." Taehyung replied. "Nothing will come out of that." Hoseok replied. Taehyung sighed. "You know what Hoseok, if it's about Yoongi again then I'd advise you to give up at this point. I heard he broke up what's the issue this time around?" Taehyung said almost frustrated.

"He said he broke up because he's fed up, he wants to focus on his career and then choose between myself and Hyung Sik." Hoseok sniffed. Taehyung rolled his eyes to that message. "Is that why you are coiled up like this?" Taehyung asked. He shook his head in the negative.

"Then?" Taehyung asked. "About us(Hoseok and Yoongi), his intentions are purely sexual." Hoseok replied. "Is that what he said?" Taehyung asked. He nodded. "That's what he said." Taehyung gasped. "No this guy needs to wise up." Taehyung said and almost stormed out but was stopped by Hoseok....

At the interview..

The interview had already started and formalities been made for a while, although Jimin was nervous and quite tensed about this whole conversation, he tried his best to put on a broad smile. "So when did you meet your partner, Jungkook" The man asked.

"Back in Busan during my high school days." Jungkook replied. "Sounds like some high school love story." The man joked which caused them to laugh. "Jimin must've been blessed to have you." He joked but seems Jungkook didn't catch up with his sense of humor.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Jungkook questioned. "Uh I mean, look out there in the world there are a whole lots of fangirls and boys out there and you chose him. More like the chosen one." He replied. "Huh?" Jungkook now looked serious enough to have the man stop laughing instantly.

"Relax I think he's just joking." Jimin tried to ease the growing tension by laughing and taking the man's side. "Yeah I'm trying so hard to find it funny but that wasn't funny. It should be the other way round, we found each other and fell in love so we are blessed to have each other. Jimin could've moved on while things got worse but he stayed with me instead."

"He is the Angel you'd never encounter." Jungkook replied. "I think you took my joke too serious Jungkook." The man tried laughing it off but guess who wasn't ready to laugh, Jungkook. He did not flinch nor even cast a smile. Making the crew to force a commercial in between.

Seoul International Hotel.

Woo Sik sipped his wine pleased with the reply his son gave and continued the interview. "Sir, he's here." His secretary informed him. "Let him in." Woo Sik replied. "There comes my baby. Still looking weary." Woo Sik commented when Taehyung entered the room.

"Good evening." Taehyung greeted. Woo Sik did not respond but instead spread his arms to allow him in. Taehyung looked away and decided against it. "Come on Tae, why are you doing this to me?" Woo Sik snorted. "Why did Jungkook invite me to the family dinner?" Taehyung asked.

"How would I know?" Woo Sik shrugged. "You know about it, don't lie to me." Taehyung said steadily. "Don't get over with yourself. I said hug me, that's what I need now." Woo Sik replied. "Why all the time is about you?" Taehyung questioned.

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