
I escaped from them. Shit. I need to be more careful. Otherwise I am gonna bump into more of them. Luckily my apartment was near. The fish I bought was safe. I slowly got up and walked to my apartment.

Little did she knew someone was watching everything. He took the phone from his pocket and dialed a number.

"Salve, un gruppo di quattro uomini sta venendo nella tua direzione.  Voglio che tu li rapisca.  Hanno cercato di molestare la fidanzata del capo."
(Hello a group of four men are coming to your direction. I want you to kidnap them. They tried to harass boss's girlfriend.)

Timeskip to 9.00 am
The Russo mansion

Third person's pov
     "cosa vuol dire che il carico è stato rubato?!  Vale milioni!!" (what do you mean the load has been stolen?! It is worth millions!!) The angered man slammed his fist on the glass table breaking it into pieces. The other men present in the room started to shiver in fear. The boss was pissed off.

"chi c'è dietro a questo? (who is behind this?) He calmnly asked.

"n-non lo sappiamo s-signore" ( we don't know sir)

He clenched his jaw in anger. Betrayal, the one thing he cannot forgive. He despised it to the core.

"un giorno. Ho bisogno di informazioni su tutto." (one day. I need the information about everything.)

"m-ma signore, ottenere le informazioni in un giorno è i-impossibile." (but sir getting the information in oneday is impossible.)

He glared at the man with his burning eyes. The poor man gulped and moved away. He knows that if he doesn't he will be good as dead.

"Quando dico un giorno, allora è un giorno.  Non ho bisogno di scuse.  Fatto?(When I say one day then it is oneday. I don't need any excuses. Got it?) He said in a dangerously low voice. The men nodded in fear. Afterwards they went away.

Stephano's pov
          I can't believe it! They fucking  stole my load! I trusted them!
I was now practically out off control. Then the door opened making me more angrier than I already was.

"Che cosa?!  Non sai bussare cazzo prima di aprire la porta?!gli ho urlato contro.(What?! Don't you know to fucking knock before opening the door?!) I roared at him.

"M-mi dispiace molto s-signore. Ma ho alcune informazioni per te. È molto i-importante.(I am very sorry sir. But I have some information for you. It is very important.)

"Che cos'è?!(What is it?!)

"Si tratta della signorina Ira.(It's about Miss Ira.)

Ira? What happened to my bambina?

"Che mi dici di lei?" (What about her?)
I asked him calmnly. He told me everything. And my blood boiled. Some motherfucker tried to touch my bambina. My bambina! I greeted my teeth in anger.

"Dov'è quel figlio di puttana?!"
(Where is that motherfuckers?!) I yelled at him.

"Sono nel seminterrato, signore."
( They are in the basement sir.)

They are gonna pay for what they did to my bambina.

Time skip to 1.00 am

Ira's pov
       I finally made lunch and they look delicious!!

Ira's pov        I finally made lunch and they look delicious!!

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I am drooling at these dishes

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

I am drooling at these dishes. I can't wait to taste them. Without wasting any time I began to eat. I moaned in satisfaction. It's so tasty! After a while I finished them all. I was full and happy. I always usually prepares food for myself. I had been taught to cook at a young age.
     I looked at the time it was 1.30. What should I do? Oh yeah let's explore the streets. Wait..what if the creepy guys are still there? But it's been nearly 2 hours. They all must be gone by right now. Should I take a risk? No I should probably stay in my apartment right now. Besides I am feeling a little bit tired by eating the lunch. Oh well I should take a nap for a little while.

With that the beauty went to her bedroom to take a nap, without knowing that a man already broke into her room. He waited her to sleep. And then he slowly made his way to her and put a cloth on her face making unconscious in her sleep. He gently took her in a bridal style and looked at her with a lovesick gaze.

"Scusa amore mio. Questo è per il tuo bene." (Sorry my love. This is for your own good.)


The girl with the beach hatNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ