Chapter 41: I Will Be Reborn

Start from the beginning

I was shocked as a wave of sadness rolled over me. I had no idea what Alpheus meant by his explanation and could only cringe in agony as the pain increased.

Alpheus raised both arms upward, his hands beginning to glow a faint blue as he spoke. "Not much longer n-"

A dagger came from nowhere, stabbing Alpheus directly in his right eye. His head flew backward as blood rained over me and I gasped in shock. The prince stumbled away, screaming in anguish as he ripped out the dagger. Blood now soaked his face and shirt and I watched as Alpheus struggled to pull a small vial of potion from his pocket, cursing loudly before he managed to get the cap off. He drank it quickly, and a magical glow covered his body briefly. The bleeding stopped and he tossed the empty container to the ground. I could sense Casimir's rage before I saw him. He shot out of the shadows, sword drawn, ready for battle. Alpheus wasted no time in drawing his own sword, scowling heavily as Casimir reached him. They were already trading blows when I heard another voice call for them to stop.

"Please, cease your fighting!" Ratimir cried.

The pair didn't listen, their battle taking them out of the crystal circle towards the edge of the observatory. I was screaming in pain as I felt more of my life force leave my body. The pain and the rage were almost too much. I had to get free and help Casimir, I had to bring him back before he lost himself to his war god blessing. Ratimir appeared before me, mumbling to himself as he unlocked my bindings. Once I was free he helped me up but I felt so weak.

"Uncle," I whispered. "I-I'm sorry..."

"Hush, please save your strength," Ratimir said. "What did he do to you child?"

"He said I'll be as I once... was..." I replied slowly. Each word was a struggle, all I wanted to do was sleep.

"Come let us leave this magic circle," Ratimir commanded. "That might stop the spell." I nodded my head and slipped off the table, my bare feet barely touching the ground when a wave of anger hit me.

"She's not going anywhere!" Alpheus hissed, appearing suddenly beside us. The prince lashed out, backhanding his father across the face to send him flying out of the way.

"No!" I cried, reaching out helplessly as Ratimir's body crumpled to the ground.

There was a blur of action, Casimir attacking, Alpheus defending and myself struggling to get out of the way. A red aura or fury surrounded Casimir and I was certain I would be overwhelmed if it wasn't for a strange calm sensation coming from Alpheus. He was laughing as he parried all of Casimir's strikes, amused by the former assassin's frustration.

"CAS-" I was screaming, trying to get his attention when I felt the blade go through my stomach. I wasn't sure what happened, but it seemed Alpheus had dodged while I remained in the path of Casimir's sword. Our eyes met and I could feel his fury subside, cold remorse taking its place.

"Casimir...?" I choked, blood now spilling from my mouth. My voice seemed to snap him out of his stupor. He looked down at my lifeblood, now dripping down onto the floor.

"TAYA!" He cried, pulling the sword from my stomach and throwing it to the ground. I collapsed into his arms, all my strength gone. He cradled me close to his chest, moaning softly as he touched the wound on my stomach. "No, Taya no... please."

"Casimir," I whispered, enjoying our closeness despite the terrible situation. I could feel the darkness coming, wraiths were hungry for my blood. "They're coming..."

"Taya, please don't die, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry-"

"Just go, run away and save yourself," I begged. "The wraiths are coming." I was trying so hard to hold them back, but I could hear them whispering, calling for my blood. Casimir was crying now and he reminded me of his old childhood self. He was always crying when he was younger.

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