Chapter 25: On the Case

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"Diana Massey?" the elderly black gentleman asked, staring straight at me. He was taller than his partner, with deep brown skin, a wide nose, and deeply lined eyes. His hair was shaved close to his head and he had a salt and pepper goatee. He eyed me up and down before glancing at each person in my group.

"Yes?" I responded, gripping the straps of my backpack. The detectives flashed open their IDs to show me their badges.

"I'm Detective Thompson, this is Detective Johnson of Fairview police department," he continued, gesturing at his partner. The other man, Detective Johnson, was young with a sharp brow, hazel eyes, and a patchy-looking beard. His light brown hair was short and messy, much like his ill-fitting suit.

"What's going on?" I asked the pair, hoping they weren't here about Mr. Burke, but somehow I knew I would be wrong.

"Can we speak with you for a moment?" Thompson asked, pretty much ignoring everyone standing beside me.

"I-I guess, sure," I said as I stumbled over my words.

"What is this about?" Zola interjected. "Don't you need to speak to her with a parent present?"

The younger Johnson flipped open a notepad, glancing down at it before responding, his voice was a much higher pitch than I expected. "Diana Massey, age 19 correct? She is legally an adult."

"We just want to have a short conversation, alone, if you don't mind," Thompson said, nodding at the rest of our group to move over to the side. I shot a look at Casimir before remembering I was still mad at him and quickly cast my gaze elsewhere.

"We'll wait for you over here," Zola said loudly, eyeing both the cops before moving twenty or so feet down the sidewalk. Maayan, Azar, and Casimir followed her, each silent as they walked away. I could feel their worry and fear. Several groups of students walked out of the gate to head towards the train station, rubbernecking as they went. I wasn't looking forward to the rumors I would hear tomorrow.

"Ms. Massey, you were at the open house here at Royal Queen Academy this last Friday, correct?"

"Yes, I was there for the art show."

Johnson spoke next, referring back to his notes as he went. "Do you know a Mr. Tobias Burke?"

I froze for a moment because I didn't know if that was Mr. Burke's first name. "Do you mean Mr. Burke, my homeroom teacher?"

"Yes," Thompson said, his voice flat.

"Yes, I know him," I replied, growing more nervous. "Is this about his dis-, I mean, him quitting?" I stopped myself from saying 'disappearance', which would have been bad. As a regular student, as far as I knew, he had just up and quit teaching.

Thompson caught my slip up, his thick eyebrows raising slightly. "Do you know anything about that?"

"No, I barely know the man."

At least that was the truth.

"So you've never spent any time alone with him?" Thompson pushed.

"No, not really."

"'Not really'?"

"I mean, maybe once or twice when he had to talk to me about homework, I really can't recall," I declared, my voice rising slightly. "Are you asking all of the people in our homeroom these questions?" The detectives exchanged a look, apparently not thrilled that I had turned the tables on the Q and A.

"Were you ever alone with Mr. Burke on the night of the open house?" Johnson challenged his tone a bit more hostile. My heart skipped a beat and I worked hard to keep my face calm. I knew there was no way out of this now, especially if they might have possible video footage. I assumed they caught me and Mr. Burke walking away on the security cameras in the hallway, or else why would they be talking to me?

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