Chapter 19: World of Terra

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We returned to the farm on the last train into Mandeville. My pride insisted that I walk through town side by side with my Grandpa despite my new injuries. As soon as we were out of view of any prying eyes, I allowed him to carry me the rest of the way home on his back, my head resting on his shoulder. Casimir, Azar, and Maya had stayed behind at the school to try and track Ajax, my mysterious stalker.

I excused myself to shower, demanding my Grandfather put on a pot of coffee because I wasn't sleeping until they explained everything. He agreed but the doubtful look in his eyes made me think I was in for a very long story. I rushed through my shower and quickly changed my clothes appearing in the kitchen an unheard of fifteen minutes later. I was wearing the most comfortable clothing I could grab, consisting of leggings, an oversized shirt, and a wrap-around sweater. I already felt a million times better since I had rubbed more of the magic balm on my injuries and was now fresh from the shower.

"Are you hungry?" Grandpa asked, looking up from his mug of coffee. He had been sitting at the kitchen table, staring out of the window when I approached.

"I am both starving and too nervous to eat," I admitted. I was braiding my hair as I spoke, deciding I was too lazy to curl it tonight.

Grandpa nodded solemnly. "Perhaps an apple and some cheddar cheese to snack on?" He was suggesting one of my favorite things to eat.

"Sounds great."

There was a noise at the front door and I turned to look. In strode Casimir followed quickly by both Azar and Maya. I was shocked to see them so soon, especially since Grandpa and I had taken the last train into town and any ride in a car would set them back another 2-hours of commuting. I couldn't hide my confusion as I looked over at my grandfather, who had stood up from his seat at the kitchen table. He placed his arms behind his back as he looked over at the trio, his expression very serious.


"We tracked him to the city town center, where he blended in with the crowd and disappeared. We think they may have a safe house near the school, as there are no portals in the area. Further surveillance is needed, sir," Casimir said.

I was amazed by the change in tone, it was like a soldier addressing his superior officer. I was trying my best not to giggle nervously. Briefly, I wondered how someone as huge and scary looking as Ajax could 'blended' into a crowd. As I pondered this idea my gaze fell on Maya who smiled at me widely.

"Diana!" Maayan walked over to me and wrapped me in another big hug.

"Oh, hello there," I sputtered, hugging them back awkwardly.

"Maya! Tup you paykets ngippem," Azar spat out in a foreign language. His tone was harsh which made Maya mildly upset. They pulled away from our hug, replying, in what I assumed was the same language.

"Im kawew ngiyu," they said defensively.

"Kawew ingu souch Maya, tsě Maya kawew si paykets wuttou. Diana you yekum matwof tsě tsouwap lekok." Casimir responded, he seemed to be chastising the two. I know I heard my name somewhere in his speech so I was intrigued. My eyes flicked wildly around the room settling on my Grandpa.

"What's going on now?" I asked.

"They are speaking in Terrarish," Grandfather sighed. "The primary language in our world. I thought we agreed to speak English on Earth."

"I hate speaking English," Azar responded. "It's the worst language."

"Try, for Diana's sake please."

"My apologies Master Enki," Casimir cut in, giving Azar a scolding look.

"What is an Enki?" I asked, curious.

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